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Adobe AD0-E213 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Analytics Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E213
Related Certification(s):

  • Adobe Analytics Certifications
  • Adobe Analytics Developer Certifications
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E213 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 11, 2025)
Expected AD0-E213 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Identify the characteristics of a data layer and data layer values/ Identify features and capabilities of Adobe Experience Cloud ID
  • Module 2: Identify functions of Adobe Analytics report suite and variable settings/ Identify the meaning of common Adobe Analytics variables errors
  • Module 3: Identify how to enable / support Adobe Analytics tags in the Adobe Experience Cloud Ecosystem/ Identify functions of minimal deployment code for Analytics tracking
  • Module 4: Identify the characteristics of processing rules and mobile services/ Analytics in the Adobe Experience Cloud Ecosystem
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, identify how to enable, modify, and troubleshoot extensions in Adobe Launch/ Analytics Strategy and Design Based on a Solution Design Reference
  • Module 6: Identify the steps to configure various components within Adobe Analytics UI/ Identify the functions of Adobe Analytics API
  • Module 7: Given a Solution Design Reference, identify which data objects have to be populated/ Given a part of a Tech Spec document, identify how to implement the data capture
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, identify testing and debugging validation best practices that should be followed/ Analytics Implementation and Configuration
  • Module 9: Identify App Measurement functions for tracking features such as link tracking and e-commerce tracking/ Identify the meaning of common JavaScript errors
  • Module 10: Identify the steps to configure website tagging with Adobe Launch/ Identify if requirements have been met using tag audits


Exam Name: Adobe Analytics Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E213
Related Certification(s):

  • Adobe Analytics Certifications
  • Adobe Analytics Developer Certifications
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E213 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 11, 2025)
Expected AD0-E213 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Identify the characteristics of a data layer and data layer values/ Identify features and capabilities of Adobe Experience Cloud ID
  • Module 2: Identify functions of Adobe Analytics report suite and variable settings/ Identify the meaning of common Adobe Analytics variables errors
  • Module 3: Identify how to enable / support Adobe Analytics tags in the Adobe Experience Cloud Ecosystem/ Identify functions of minimal deployment code for Analytics tracking
  • Module 4: Identify the characteristics of processing rules and mobile services/ Analytics in the Adobe Experience Cloud Ecosystem
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, identify how to enable, modify, and troubleshoot extensions in Adobe Launch/ Analytics Strategy and Design Based on a Solution Design Reference
  • Module 6: Identify the steps to configure various components within Adobe Analytics UI/ Identify the functions of Adobe Analytics API
  • Module 7: Given a Solution Design Reference, identify which data objects have to be populated/ Given a part of a Tech Spec document, identify how to implement the data capture
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, identify testing and debugging validation best practices that should be followed/ Analytics Implementation and Configuration
  • Module 9: Identify App Measurement functions for tracking features such as link tracking and e-commerce tracking/ Identify the meaning of common JavaScript errors
  • Module 10: Identify the steps to configure website tagging with Adobe Launch/ Identify if requirements have been met using tag audits


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Q1. An analyst intended to prevent the next tracking call from being sent to Adobe; however, after reviewing the reports, she found that the tracking call was still sent to Adobe. Which code should the analyst have added to the doPlugins() function?

A.s.abort = true;

B. s.abort = false;

C. s.track = false;

D. s.track = true;

Correct Answer: A

Q2. When may a report in Adobe Analytics show "Unspecified" in the output?

A.Using segments where components are not accessible.

B. An event fires without a conversion variable.

C. Pages fire outside internal URL filters.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. A developer is processing the webpage data into the reports in Adobe Analytics. What happens immediately after the analytics code is served via the data layer and Adobe Launch?

A.Adobe's servers process the image request.

B. Adobe Analytics saves the request into the designated 'Report Suite.'

C. The website invokes the image request.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. When may the JavaScript exception 'TypeError: "x" is not a function' occur?

A.When function V shares its name with a variable define earlier.

B. When function V is called after it is defined.

C. When the type of the value returned by function V does not match its declared type.

Correct Answer: C

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