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HPE0-V15 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Delta – Building HPE Hybrid IT Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V15
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE ATP Certifications
  • HP Hybrid IT Solutions V2 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V15 practice questions in our database:
Expected HPE0-V15 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Identify and describe planning, design and sizing tools and when to use them/ Manage, monitor, administer, and operate HPE solutions and their components
  • Module 2: Given a use case, recommend the appropriate HPE products, solutions, and services to meet the business requirement/ Troubleshoot and remediate HPE solution components
  • Module 3: Identify and explain industry standard IT technologies used in small and medium-sized solutions and their use cases/ Given customer requirements, design an HPE network solution to meet those requirements
  • Module 4: Describe, differentiate, and apply industry standard, foundational SMB architectures and technologies/ Install physical solution systems including racking, power, and cabling connections
  • Module 5: Given customer requirements, design an HPE storage solution to meet those requirements/ Manage HPE solutions and subsystems to ensure the solution continues to meet customer requitements
  • Module 6: Evaluate customer environment, and plan and design solutions using the HPE portfolio to meet customer requirements/ Identify the tools and methods to troubleshoot and remediate an HPE solution and when to use each tool and method
  • Module 7: Design an end-to-end, small to medium-sized HPE solution to meet those requirements/ Recommend and position HPE products, solutions, and appropriate services for use cases
  • Module 8: Install, configure, and upgrade HPE solutions and their components and validate the implementation/ Analyze, troubleshoot, and remediate HPE solutions including component integrations


Exam Name: Delta – Building HPE Hybrid IT Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-V15
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE ATP Certifications
  • HP Hybrid IT Solutions V2 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of HPE0-V15 practice questions in our database:
Expected HPE0-V15 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Identify and describe planning, design and sizing tools and when to use them/ Manage, monitor, administer, and operate HPE solutions and their components
  • Module 2: Given a use case, recommend the appropriate HPE products, solutions, and services to meet the business requirement/ Troubleshoot and remediate HPE solution components
  • Module 3: Identify and explain industry standard IT technologies used in small and medium-sized solutions and their use cases/ Given customer requirements, design an HPE network solution to meet those requirements
  • Module 4: Describe, differentiate, and apply industry standard, foundational SMB architectures and technologies/ Install physical solution systems including racking, power, and cabling connections
  • Module 5: Given customer requirements, design an HPE storage solution to meet those requirements/ Manage HPE solutions and subsystems to ensure the solution continues to meet customer requitements
  • Module 6: Evaluate customer environment, and plan and design solutions using the HPE portfolio to meet customer requirements/ Identify the tools and methods to troubleshoot and remediate an HPE solution and when to use each tool and method
  • Module 7: Design an end-to-end, small to medium-sized HPE solution to meet those requirements/ Recommend and position HPE products, solutions, and appropriate services for use cases
  • Module 8: Install, configure, and upgrade HPE solutions and their components and validate the implementation/ Analyze, troubleshoot, and remediate HPE solutions including component integrations


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Q1. A customer requires five HPE ProLiant servers that will be mounted in a rack and shipped from site to site All servers must be online within an hour of site arrival Which feature will ensure that the servers will be available to the business if travel motion has damaged a DIMM?

A.HPE Fast Fault Tolerance Memory protection

B. Triple+ Parity RAID protection

C. Flash Back Write Cache battery protection

D. HPE Active Health System integration

Correct Answer: A

Q2. A customer needs to consolidate software, hardware, and backup in a single integrated solution to reduce the cost and complexity of their IT environment Which solution meets the customer needs?

A.HPE StoreEasy

B. HPE StoreOnce

C. HPE Apollo Server

D. HPE SimpliVity

Correct Answer: D

Q3. A customer requires five HPE ProLiant servers that will be mounted in a rack and shipped from site to site All servers must be online within an hour of site arrival Which feature will ensure that the servers will be available to the business if travel motion has damaged a DIMM?

A.HPE Fast Fault Tolerance Memory protection

B. Triple+ Parity RAID protection

C. Flash Back Write Cache battery protection

D. HPE Active Health System integration

Correct Answer: A

Q4. When should you choose to populate a server with LRDlMMs?

A.when error correction is the most important factor

B. when price is the most important factor

C. when memory capacity is the most important factor

D. when memory speed is the most important factor

Correct Answer: D

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