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HPE0-P27 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Configuring HPE GreenLake Solutions Exam
Exam Code: HPE0-P27

Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP GreenLake Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 50 Minutes
Number of HPE0-P27 practice questions in our database: 

Expected HPE0-P27 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Identify deviations in the HPE GreenLake sales process based on region/role./ Given a customer scenario, describe in detail the existing environment
  • Module 2: Describe the process for partners designing HPE GreenLake Cloud Services/ Identify customer’s business objectives that would qualify a customer for HPE GreenLake solutions
  • Module 3: Describe the partner role in setting expectations for the post sales process/ Articulate the HPE GreenLake value proposition (customer and/or partner)
  • Module 4: List and describe what happens in the steps of the SOW and pricing template process/ Demonstrate understanding of the HPE GreenLake portfolio
  • Module 5: Articulate the solution offering for GLQQ, Swift, custom, or cloud services/ Describe the process for partners creating BOMs for custom solutions
  • Module 6: Describe the process for partners designing SWIFT solutions/ Demonstrate understanding of the HPE GreenLake portfolio
  • Module 7: Determine the correct sales process and HPE tools (GLQQ, Swift/ Validate the opportunity and qualify customers for HPE GreenLake solutions
  • Module 8: Identify and describe key building blocks for the solution/ Describe the process for partners designing GLQQ solutions


Exam Name: Configuring HPE GreenLake Solutions Exam
Exam Code: HPE0-P27

Related Certification(s):

  • HPE Product Certified Certifications
  • HP GreenLake Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Actual Exam Duration: 50 Minutes
Number of HPE0-P27 practice questions in our database: 

Expected HPE0-P27 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Identify deviations in the HPE GreenLake sales process based on region/role./ Given a customer scenario, describe in detail the existing environment
  • Module 2: Describe the process for partners designing HPE GreenLake Cloud Services/ Identify customer’s business objectives that would qualify a customer for HPE GreenLake solutions
  • Module 3: Describe the partner role in setting expectations for the post sales process/ Articulate the HPE GreenLake value proposition (customer and/or partner)
  • Module 4: List and describe what happens in the steps of the SOW and pricing template process/ Demonstrate understanding of the HPE GreenLake portfolio
  • Module 5: Articulate the solution offering for GLQQ, Swift, custom, or cloud services/ Describe the process for partners creating BOMs for custom solutions
  • Module 6: Describe the process for partners designing SWIFT solutions/ Demonstrate understanding of the HPE GreenLake portfolio
  • Module 7: Determine the correct sales process and HPE tools (GLQQ, Swift/ Validate the opportunity and qualify customers for HPE GreenLake solutions
  • Module 8: Identify and describe key building blocks for the solution/ Describe the process for partners designing GLQQ solutions


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Q1. is this a benefit of the GreenLake continuous Compliance? Solution: The customer reduces the burden on IT staff by using GreenLake to check firmware and deploy required patches.


B. No

Correct Answer: A

Q2. is this a task mat the partner is responsible for during the change order process? Solution: Review BOM with HPE request formal Quote, and then send Quote to HPE


B. No

Correct Answer: A

Q3. is this a benefit of the GreenLake continuous Compliance? Solution: The customer reduces the burden on IT staff by using GreenLake to check firmware and deploy required patches.


B. No

Correct Answer: A

Q4. is this a benefit of HPE GreenLake continuous Compliance? Solution: The customer can drastically reduce the time for preparing for audits


B. No

Correct Answer: A

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