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CompTIA TK0-201 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: CTT+ Essentials Certification Exam
Exam Code: TK0-201 CTT+
Related Certification(s): CompTIA CTT+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of TK0-201 practice questions in our database: 612 (updated: 03-05-2024)
Expected TK0-201 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: Designates you as an exceptional trainer in your field
  • Module 2: Teaching expertise
  • Module 3: including preparation facilitation and physical
  • Module 4: Organizations take a blended approach to learning


Exam Name: CTT+ Essentials Certification Exam
Exam Code: TK0-201 CTT+
Related Certification(s): CompTIA CTT+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of TK0-201 practice questions in our database: 612 (updated: 03-05-2024)
Expected TK0-201 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: Designates you as an exceptional trainer in your field
  • Module 2: Teaching expertise
  • Module 3: including preparation facilitation and physical
  • Module 4: Organizations take a blended approach to learning


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Q1. A trainer is leading a virtual computer lab class. Since all the actual equipment is remotely located from the learners, several of them have had issues receiving timely screen updates of their lab work. In which of the following ways should the trainer address this issue?

A.Reschedule the lab to facilitate the learning environment for all participants

B. Explain the Internet can be problematic and refer the learner to the help desk

C. Advise the learner to refresh the screen to clear the problem

D. Have the affected learners skip the lab and await further lecture

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A trainer begins every new class with a short humorous anecdote and introductions, and then immediately begins teaching the material. Which of the following should be added to the beginning of the course to set a more effective tone for the course?

A.A discussion of the manager's reasons for providing the course

B. An explanation of the learning objectives for the class

C. An opportunity for students to ask questions about the course content

D. Instructions for the students to not eat in the classroom during the course

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A trainer is leading a virtual computer lab class. Since all the actual equipment is remotely located from the learners, several of them have had issues receiving timely screen updates of their lab work. In which of the following ways should the trainer address this issue?

A.Reschedule the lab to facilitate the learning environment for all participants

B. Explain the Internet can be problematic and refer the learner to the help desk

C. Advise the learner to refresh the screen to clear the problem

D. Have the affected learners skip the lab and await further lecture

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A trainer begins every new class with a short humorous anecdote and introductions, and then immediately begins teaching the material. Which of the following should be added to the beginning of the course to set a more effective tone for the course?

A.A discussion of the manager's reasons for providing the course

B. An explanation of the learning objectives for the class

C. An opportunity for students to ask questions about the course content

D. Instructions for the students to not eat in the classroom during the course

Correct Answer: B

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