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Salesforce Industries CPQ Developer Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Industries CPQ Developer
Exam Code: Industries CPQ Developer
Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Developer Certifications
  • Salesforce Industries CPQ Developer Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Industries CPQ Developer practice questions in our database: 324 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected Industries CPQ Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Products: In this section of the exam, the candidates are tested for their knowledge of identifying concepts required to configure product and product bundles. It also covers how to configure object type hierarchies and how to configure attributes.
  • Module 2: Promotions and Discounts: In this section of the exam, topics covered include how to configure promotions; identify concepts required to configure discounts, determine when to use promotions, and explain the capabilities and use cases.
  • Module 3: Pricing: In this section of the exam, topics covered include building pricing, identifying concepts required to configure attribute-based pricing, adjusting pricing, and exploring data types of pricing to utilize properly.
  • Module 4: Rules: In this exam section, concepts are evaluated such as how to build context rules, identify concepts required to build advanced rules, and how to build product configuration processes.
  • Module 5: APIs: In this section of the exam, the topics covered determine when to use cart-based APIs or digital commerce APIs.
  • Module 6: Ordering and Quoting: This section of the exam covers the user experience of the cart in addition to identifying principles needed to set up multi-site quoting.
  • Module 7: Troubleshooting: In this section, topics covered relate to troubleshooting products, pricing, promotions and discounts, and rules. It also covers troubleshooting API parameters, responses, and requests.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Industries CPQ Developer
Exam Code: Industries CPQ Developer
Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Developer Certifications
  • Salesforce Industries CPQ Developer Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Industries CPQ Developer practice questions in our database: 324 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected Industries CPQ Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Products: In this section of the exam, the candidates are tested for their knowledge of identifying concepts required to configure product and product bundles. It also covers how to configure object type hierarchies and how to configure attributes.
  • Module 2: Promotions and Discounts: In this section of the exam, topics covered include how to configure promotions; identify concepts required to configure discounts, determine when to use promotions, and explain the capabilities and use cases.
  • Module 3: Pricing: In this section of the exam, topics covered include building pricing, identifying concepts required to configure attribute-based pricing, adjusting pricing, and exploring data types of pricing to utilize properly.
  • Module 4: Rules: In this exam section, concepts are evaluated such as how to build context rules, identify concepts required to build advanced rules, and how to build product configuration processes.
  • Module 5: APIs: In this section of the exam, the topics covered determine when to use cart-based APIs or digital commerce APIs.
  • Module 6: Ordering and Quoting: This section of the exam covers the user experience of the cart in addition to identifying principles needed to set up multi-site quoting.
  • Module 7: Troubleshooting: In this section, topics covered relate to troubleshooting products, pricing, promotions and discounts, and rules. It also covers troubleshooting API parameters, responses, and requests.


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Q1. Context mappings can be configured from the context dimension or the context scope.


B. False

Correct Answer: A

Q2. A developer is creating rules to help launch a company's Smart Widget product. The company has launch only for opportunities for existing S2B customers. Which context scope should the developer use in the context mapping for this rule?


B. Order, Account

C. Opportunity, Account

D. Account

Correct Answer: A

Q3. A compound filter chains together an internal evaluation filter with a qualification filter.


B. False

Correct Answer: A

Q4. What can a developer use to make sure a subscription ends at the end of the subscription plan?

A.An Effective From date

B. A time policy

C. A time plan

D. An Effective Until date

Correct Answer: D

Q5. What type of parameter is being used in this example API call: vlocity_cmt/v3/catalogs/Phonesyoffers?context=fStatus":"Active"J

A.No parameters are used

B. Specifying a context

C. Specifying page size

D. Specifying a particular logged-in user

Correct Answer: B

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