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Fortinet NSE6_FAD-6.2 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 6 – FortiADC 6.2
Exam Code: NSE6_FAD-6.2
Related Certification(s): Fortinet Network Security Specialist NSE 6 Certification
Certification Provider: Fortinet
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of NSE6_FAD-6.2 practice questions in our database: 30 (updated: 20-11-2023)
Expected NSE6_FAD-6.2 Exam Topics, as suggested by Fortinet :

  • Module 1: Manipulate traffic flow using LUA scripts/ Perform system configuration and management tasks
  • Module 2: Configure virtual servers, real servers, server pools, and health checks/ Configure SSL offloading, acceleration and inspection
  • Module 3: Configure poicy routing, QoS, and link load balancing/ Configure and manage FortiADC high-availability clusters
  • Module 4: Implement traffic security inspections and DoS protection/ Configure traffic delivery optimization
  • Module 5: Configure WAF and web vulnerability scanning/ Configure global server load balancing
  • Module 6: Use REST API for system management/ Deployment and System Configuration
  • Module 7: Advanced Netoworking and Security/ Identify deployment requirements
  • Module 8: Manage multi-vdom deployments/ Server Load Balancing/ Configure load balancing


Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 6 – FortiADC 6.2
Exam Code: NSE6_FAD-6.2
Related Certification(s): Fortinet Network Security Specialist NSE 6 Certification
Certification Provider: Fortinet
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of NSE6_FAD-6.2 practice questions in our database: 30 (updated: 20-11-2023)
Expected NSE6_FAD-6.2 Exam Topics, as suggested by Fortinet :

  • Module 1: Manipulate traffic flow using LUA scripts/ Perform system configuration and management tasks
  • Module 2: Configure virtual servers, real servers, server pools, and health checks/ Configure SSL offloading, acceleration and inspection
  • Module 3: Configure poicy routing, QoS, and link load balancing/ Configure and manage FortiADC high-availability clusters
  • Module 4: Implement traffic security inspections and DoS protection/ Configure traffic delivery optimization
  • Module 5: Configure WAF and web vulnerability scanning/ Configure global server load balancing
  • Module 6: Use REST API for system management/ Deployment and System Configuration
  • Module 7: Advanced Netoworking and Security/ Identify deployment requirements
  • Module 8: Manage multi-vdom deployments/ Server Load Balancing/ Configure load balancing


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Q1. An administrator wants to make sure their servers are protected against zero-day attacks. Which FortiADC feature would they configure to accomplish this?

A.Advanced health checks

B. Advanced WVS

C. Signature-based IPS

D. Advanced WAF

Correct Answer: D

Q2. An administrator has configured all the back end servers with a maximum warm-up state rate. Under which two conditions is the maximum rate enforced by FortiADC? (Choose two.)

A.As long as a server keeps replying to the health Check

B. When multiple health check methods have been configured for a server and some of them are failing but at least one is up.

C. When the status of a server is set to Enabled from Maintain of Disabled

D. During a warm-up period, when a server is back online after a health check downtime

Correct Answer: C, D

Q3. Which are two advantages of TCP multiplexing? (Choose two.)

A.it reduces the number of TCP sessions that the server

B. it allows FortiADC to balance a client TCP connection among multiple servers

C. A new client connection does not need to wait for a new FortiADC-to-server connection

D. It reduces the number of TCP sessions that clients need to establish

Correct Answer: A, B

Q4. To which two objects can link policies apply in FortiADC? (Choose two.)

A.Virtual tunnel

B. Virtual server

C. Gateway

D. Link group

Correct Answer: A, D

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