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HPE0-J69 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Delta – HPE Storage Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-J69
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE ASE Certifications
  • HP Storage Solutions V4 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE0-J69 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE0-J69 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Describe single-site storage network management in general terms/ Describe SAN transport technologies and components
  • Module 2: Given a set of customer requirements, plan and design a single-site storage solution/ Inspect for proper power, rack space, and cooling
  • Module 3: Develop and manage policy for compliance in a multi-site and/or complex HPE Storage solution/ Plan a solution installation based on a proposed design
  • Module 4: Describe and characterize the different SAN topologies, transport technologies, and components/ Position HPE Storage solutions for customer solutions
  • Module 5: Determine whether software/firmware versions are current and supported in customer environment/ Describe and characterize RAID levels
  • Module 6: Review and validate a single-site storage solution proposal/ Describe and evaluate use cases for drive technologies and RAID levels
  • Module 7: Perform tests to verify the solution works as designed/ Describe backup, archiving, and data availability technologies
  • Module 8: Perform updates and lifecycle management operations on systems and solutions/ Describe storage presentation to hosts
  • Module 9: Discover opportunities for single-site environments/ Foundational storage architectures and technologies
  • Module 10: Size a single-site storage solution for a customer solution/ Install designed solution following best practices
  • Module 11: Test performance and collect metrics on configurations and solutions based on customer SLA requirements/ Present a single-site solution to a customer
  • Module 12: Establish a performance baseline from customer application requirements/ Use management tools to monitor the customer environment
  • Module 13: Perform health checks on solution deployments in customer environments/ Identify and describe appropriate HPE resources to help a solution meet customer requirements


Exam Name: Delta – HPE Storage Solutions
Exam Code: HPE0-J69
Related Certification(s):

  • HPE ASE Certifications
  • HP Storage Solutions V4 Certifications
Certification Provider: HP
Number of HPE0-J69 practice questions in our database: 
Expected HPE0-J69 Exam Topics, as suggested by HP :

  • Module 1: Describe single-site storage network management in general terms/ Describe SAN transport technologies and components
  • Module 2: Given a set of customer requirements, plan and design a single-site storage solution/ Inspect for proper power, rack space, and cooling
  • Module 3: Develop and manage policy for compliance in a multi-site and/or complex HPE Storage solution/ Plan a solution installation based on a proposed design
  • Module 4: Describe and characterize the different SAN topologies, transport technologies, and components/ Position HPE Storage solutions for customer solutions
  • Module 5: Determine whether software/firmware versions are current and supported in customer environment/ Describe and characterize RAID levels
  • Module 6: Review and validate a single-site storage solution proposal/ Describe and evaluate use cases for drive technologies and RAID levels
  • Module 7: Perform tests to verify the solution works as designed/ Describe backup, archiving, and data availability technologies
  • Module 8: Perform updates and lifecycle management operations on systems and solutions/ Describe storage presentation to hosts
  • Module 9: Discover opportunities for single-site environments/ Foundational storage architectures and technologies
  • Module 10: Size a single-site storage solution for a customer solution/ Install designed solution following best practices
  • Module 11: Test performance and collect metrics on configurations and solutions based on customer SLA requirements/ Present a single-site solution to a customer
  • Module 12: Establish a performance baseline from customer application requirements/ Use management tools to monitor the customer environment
  • Module 13: Perform health checks on solution deployments in customer environments/ Identify and describe appropriate HPE resources to help a solution meet customer requirements


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Q1. Which HPE 3Par feature improves CPU utilization ,reduces latency and improve IOPS ?

A.Zero Detect

B. Persistent Cache

C. Express Indexing

D. Express Writes

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which feature enables a non-disruptive environment where host-based multi-pathing software is not affected in the event of a firmware upgrade?

A.HPE 3PAR Access Guard

B. HPE 3PAR Persistent Ports

C. HPE 3PAR Persistent Cache


Correct Answer: B

Q3. What is the typical protocol used to access data from object storage?





Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which HPE 3Par feature improves CPU utilization ,reduces latency and improve IOPS ?

A.Zero Detect

B. Persistent Cache

C. Express Indexing

D. Express Writes

Correct Answer: D

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