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Salesforce Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Accredited Professional Exam
Exam Code: Salesforce Net Zero Cloud
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Net Zero Cloud practice questions in our database: 45 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)

Expected Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Discovery: In this topic, Salesforce practitioners explore strategies to identify and prioritize use cases crucial for implementing Net Zero Cloud effectively. Sub-topics include mapping use cases to Net Zero Cloud features or third-party systems, gathering sustainability-related business requirements, and determining calculation needs based on organizational reporting boundaries. Practitioners also learn to align reporting boundaries with CRMA requirements, connect sustainability goals with appropriate data models, and associate use cases with licenses and third-party applications.
  • Module 2: Design: In this topic, Salesforce practitioners focus on translating customer requirements into tailored user experiences. Skills include designing analytics configurations (CRMA, Tableau), setting up homepages and utility items for different personas, creating approval processes, and automating workflows. Practitioners also learn to map external data sources to Net Zero Cloud, decide between using out-of-the-box features or customization, and plan effective data migration strategies.
  • Module 3: Implementation: This topic equips Salesforce practitioners with the expertise to configure Net Zero Cloud settings and enable platform features for prioritized use cases. Sub-topics include mapping requirements to Net Zero Cloud functionality, setting up emission forecasting using historical data, and configuring target-setting for sustainability goals. Practitioners also master CRM Analytics to provide visibility into ESG metrics.


Exam Name: Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Accredited Professional Exam
Exam Code: Salesforce Net Zero Cloud
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Net Zero Cloud practice questions in our database: 45 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)

Expected Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Discovery: In this topic, Salesforce practitioners explore strategies to identify and prioritize use cases crucial for implementing Net Zero Cloud effectively. Sub-topics include mapping use cases to Net Zero Cloud features or third-party systems, gathering sustainability-related business requirements, and determining calculation needs based on organizational reporting boundaries. Practitioners also learn to align reporting boundaries with CRMA requirements, connect sustainability goals with appropriate data models, and associate use cases with licenses and third-party applications.
  • Module 2: Design: In this topic, Salesforce practitioners focus on translating customer requirements into tailored user experiences. Skills include designing analytics configurations (CRMA, Tableau), setting up homepages and utility items for different personas, creating approval processes, and automating workflows. Practitioners also learn to map external data sources to Net Zero Cloud, decide between using out-of-the-box features or customization, and plan effective data migration strategies.
  • Module 3: Implementation: This topic equips Salesforce practitioners with the expertise to configure Net Zero Cloud settings and enable platform features for prioritized use cases. Sub-topics include mapping requirements to Net Zero Cloud functionality, setting up emission forecasting using historical data, and configuring target-setting for sustainability goals. Practitioners also master CRM Analytics to provide visibility into ESG metrics.


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Q1. What are the two approaches for calculating scope 2 emissions associated with electricity usage? (2 options)


B. B. Energy-Based

C. C. Market-Based

D. D. Grid-Based

Answer: A,C

Q2. What initiatives is Salesforce driving with their suppliers? (1)

A.Helping them reduce their carbon emissions

B. Volunteer activities with suppliers to give back in local communities

C. Work with suppliers to set their own emissions reduction targets by 2024

D. Planting trees with suppliers to reach goal of 1 trillion trees by 2030

Answer: D

Q3. What are the three Organizational Asset records types that come out of the box? (3)


B. Building

C. Employee

D. Data Center

E. Vehicle

Answer: A,B,E

Q4. What is true about record locking functionality? (1)

A.Once a carbon footprint is locked, it is not possible to unlock the related energy use records d

B. Locking an energy use record locks all related Carbon Footprint records

C. Moves the Carbon Footprint into the External Audit stage

D. Locking a carbon footprint record prevents that record and all the energy use records associated with it from being recalculate

Answer: D

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