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VMware 5V0-93.22 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills
Exam Code: 5V0-93.22
Related Certification(s): VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills 2023 Certification
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of 5V0-93.22 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 5V0-93.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, identify the proper Reputation override option/ Given a scenario, identify how to respond to an alert
  • Module 2: Identify the notification capabilities within the VMware Carbon Black Cloud/ Identify the response capabilities available in the VMware Carbon Black Cloud
  • Module 3: Identify where s ensor status and sensor details exist/ Identify use cases of VMware Carbon Black Endpoint Standard.
  • Module 4: Identify the purpose of Reputation Priority/ Identify the impact of Reputation Priority on applications
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, identify the proper configuration of the local scanner/ Identify the functionality of sensor vs. cloud
  • Module 6: Given a set of rules, identify intended impacts on the endpoints/ Given a scenario, identify types of relevant information in an event
  • Module 7: Given a permission rule allowing execution, identify possible security risks/ Identify security benefits of using VMware Carbon Black Endpoint Standard
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, identify the impact of a generated alert/ Identify the native integrations available within the VMware Carbon Black Cloud
  • Module 9: Given a blocking rule preventing execution, identify possible security risks/ Identify the architecture and data flows for Carbon Black Cloud endpoint Standard communication
  • Module 10: Given a search, identify correct use of operators/ Given a set of rules, identify how to determine unintended impacts on the endpoints


Exam Name: VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills
Exam Code: 5V0-93.22
Related Certification(s): VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills 2023 Certification
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of 5V0-93.22 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 5V0-93.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, identify the proper Reputation override option/ Given a scenario, identify how to respond to an alert
  • Module 2: Identify the notification capabilities within the VMware Carbon Black Cloud/ Identify the response capabilities available in the VMware Carbon Black Cloud
  • Module 3: Identify where s ensor status and sensor details exist/ Identify use cases of VMware Carbon Black Endpoint Standard.
  • Module 4: Identify the purpose of Reputation Priority/ Identify the impact of Reputation Priority on applications
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, identify the proper configuration of the local scanner/ Identify the functionality of sensor vs. cloud
  • Module 6: Given a set of rules, identify intended impacts on the endpoints/ Given a scenario, identify types of relevant information in an event
  • Module 7: Given a permission rule allowing execution, identify possible security risks/ Identify security benefits of using VMware Carbon Black Endpoint Standard
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, identify the impact of a generated alert/ Identify the native integrations available within the VMware Carbon Black Cloud
  • Module 9: Given a blocking rule preventing execution, identify possible security risks/ Identify the architecture and data flows for Carbon Black Cloud endpoint Standard communication
  • Module 10: Given a search, identify correct use of operators/ Given a set of rules, identify how to determine unintended impacts on the endpoints


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Q1. An administrator notices that a sensor's local AV signatures are out-of-date. What effect does this have on newly discovered files?

A.The reputation is determined by cloud reputation.

B. The sensor prompts the end user to allow or deny the file.

C. The sensor automatically blocks the new file.

D. The sensor is unable to block a malicious file.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. An administrator needs to configure a policy for macOS and Linux Sensors, not enabling settings which are only applicable to Windows. Which three settings are only applicable to Sensors on the Windows operating system? (Choose three.)

A.Delay execute for cloud scan

B. Allow user to disable protection

C. Submit unknown binaries for analysis

D. Expedited background scan

E. Scan execute on network drives

F. Require code to uninstall sensor

Correct Answer: A

Q3. An administrator needs to configure a policy for macOS and Linux Sensors, not enabling settings which are only applicable to Windows. Which three settings are only applicable to Sensors on the Windows operating system? (Choose three.)

A.Delay execute for cloud scan

B. Allow user to disable protection

C. Submit unknown binaries for analysis

D. Expedited background scan

E. Scan execute on network drives

F. Require code to uninstall sensor

Correct Answer: A, E, F

Q4. An administrator notices that a sensor's local AV signatures are out-of-date. What effect does this have on newly discovered files?

A.The reputation is determined by cloud reputation.

B. The sensor prompts the end user to allow or deny the file.

C. The sensor automatically blocks the new file.

D. The sensor is unable to block a malicious file.

Correct Answer: A

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