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VMware 5V0-62.22 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Workspace ONE 21.X UEM Troubleshooting Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-62.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Certified Specialist – Workspace ONE 21.X UEM Troubleshooting Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of 5V0-62.22 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-62.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify and understand useful troubleshooting commands for UAG/ Explain how Workspace ONE Assist can help endpoints troubleshooting
  • Module 2: Describe how an administrator’s role affects the viewing of system settings +/ Describe how the SSP helps administrators and users to solve issues by themselves Understand the Console Events or Device Events settings/ Outline common troubleshooting techniques and best practices within Workspace ONE UEM
  • Module 3: Summarize common troubleshooting techniques for email management within Workspace ONE UEM/ Describe how an OG restriction affects system settings
  • Module 4: Identify and scope common endpoint connectivity problems/ Understand how to monitor the health of core and edge services
  • Module 5: Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common compliance policy issues/ Summarize common troubleshooting strategies for UEM-managed devices
  • Module 6: Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common PowerShell integration issues/ Outline common application troubleshooting techniques within Workspace ONE UEM
  • Module 7: Identify and troubleshoot directory services integration problems/ Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common symptoms of Content Gateway related issues
  • Module 8: Explain device commands and how to use them for troubleshooting/ Identify and troubleshoot common Certificate Authority errors
  • Module 9: Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common symptoms of VMware Tunnel related issues/ Understand Workspace ONE Access Integration troubleshooting techniques


Exam Name: VMware Workspace ONE 21.X UEM Troubleshooting Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-62.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Certified Specialist – Workspace ONE 21.X UEM Troubleshooting Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of 5V0-62.22 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-62.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify and understand useful troubleshooting commands for UAG/ Explain how Workspace ONE Assist can help endpoints troubleshooting
  • Module 2: Describe how an administrator’s role affects the viewing of system settings +/ Describe how the SSP helps administrators and users to solve issues by themselves Understand the Console Events or Device Events settings/ Outline common troubleshooting techniques and best practices within Workspace ONE UEM
  • Module 3: Summarize common troubleshooting techniques for email management within Workspace ONE UEM/ Describe how an OG restriction affects system settings
  • Module 4: Identify and scope common endpoint connectivity problems/ Understand how to monitor the health of core and edge services
  • Module 5: Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common compliance policy issues/ Summarize common troubleshooting strategies for UEM-managed devices
  • Module 6: Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common PowerShell integration issues/ Outline common application troubleshooting techniques within Workspace ONE UEM
  • Module 7: Identify and troubleshoot directory services integration problems/ Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common symptoms of Content Gateway related issues
  • Module 8: Explain device commands and how to use them for troubleshooting/ Identify and troubleshoot common Certificate Authority errors
  • Module 9: Identify, understand, and troubleshoot common symptoms of VMware Tunnel related issues/ Understand Workspace ONE Access Integration troubleshooting techniques


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Q1. The VMware Workspace ONE UEM administrator in an organization found that the Certificate Authority integration test connection failed recently I his organization uses on-premises Microsoft ADCS CA as their certificate authority, which resides on an internal-only Windows server. The VMware Workspace ONE UEM console resides in the cloud. Why did this certificate authority integration test connection fail?

A.Entrust PKI is disabled under the Certificate Authorities settings.

B. Symantec MPKI is disabled under the Certificate Authorities settings.

C. Fetching the root certificate from CA failed.

D. Credential in UEM is incorrect.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. An organization administrator started utilizing VMware Workspace ONE UEM to configure emails clients on managed Android, OS, and Windows devices. Windows and Android users can access their email inboxes. iOS device users are able to check in, but their email inbox fails to load: What is the most likely cause of this issue?

A.The organization's Apple sToken expired.

B. The profile that configures the email client is misconfigured.

C. The organization group that assigns the email client is misconfigured.

D. The organization's Apple Push Notification certificate expired.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. The VMware Workspace ONE UEM administrator in an organization found that the Certificate Authority integration test connection failed recently I his organization uses on-premises Microsoft ADCS CA as their certificate authority, which resides on an internal-only Windows server. The VMware Workspace ONE UEM console resides in the cloud. Why did this certificate authority integration test connection fail?

A.Entrust PKI is disabled under the Certificate Authorities settings.

B. Symantec MPKI is disabled under the Certificate Authorities settings.

C. Fetching the root certificate from CA failed.

D. Credential in UEM is incorrect.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A dozen users just reported various issues with VMware Workspace ONE UFM managed applications on their Android and iOS devices The administrator would like to use VMware Workspace ONE to simultaneously gather detailed troubleshooting information about all these devices with one action Which form of logging should be used to accomplish this goal?

A.Settings-based targeted logging

B. ACC (AirWatch Cloud Connector) verbose logging

C. Device-based targeted logging

D. AWCM (AirWatch Cloud Messaging) verbose logging

Correct Answer: C

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