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VMware 5V0-61.22 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Workspace ONE 21.X Advanced Integration Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-61.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Workspace ONE 21.X Advanced Integration Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of 5V0-61.22 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 5V0-61.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe the topology of claim-based identity and access management/ Define risks and their mitigations – combine with HA DR
  • Module 2: Explain the different use cases and supported features of Workspace ONE Access Connector/ Explain features and use cases of Workspace ONE Verify (Intelligent Hub)
  • Module 3: Discuss all third-party components that are required for infrastructure design/ Outline Workspace ONE design methodology and how it can apply to your organization
  • Module 4: Explain AD synchronization from Workspace ONE UEM and from the Workspace ONE Access connector/ Describe the integration steps of a Virtual apps integration with Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 5: Explain how to perform general Workspace ONE Access administration and maintenance through the API/ Discuss the usage of directory sync safeguards
  • Module 6: Explain the workflow of an access policy and identity provider/ Summarize the integration workflow of Workspace ONE UEM with Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 7: Illustrate the workflow of the RSA SecureID (cloud deployment) authentication method/ Describe what Workspace ONE Intelligence Trust Network is and what third-party solutions are in the ecosystem
  • Module 8: Describe the differences between Hub Services with or without an integrated Workspace ONE Access/ Discuss the risk scoring feature with Workspace ONE Intelligence Risk Analytics
  • Module 9: Describe use-cases and steps to implement DEEM/ Outline the workflow of integrating Workspace ONE Access with VMware Horizon
  • Module 10: Explain how to deploy Workspace ONE experience workflows according to a use case/ Identify benefits of integrating Workspace ONE Access with other Workspace ONE products
  • Module 11: Explain how 3rd party integration works to connect and share data with Workspace ONE Intelligence/ Outline benefits of claims-based identity management
  • Module 12: Explain the workflow of the Kerberos authentication method/ Explain how JIT provisioning works in Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 13: Identify the features and use cases of the AirWatch Provisioning app/ Explain the authentication workflow of certificate cloud deployment
  • Module 14: Explain the steps to write a Workspace ONE Access API call/ Distinguish the types of resources and how to configure them in the Workspace ONE Access catalog
  • Module 15: Explain how to perform general Workspace ONE UEM administration and maintenance through the API/ Summarize the workflow of OAuth 2.0 authentication for Web Applications


Exam Name: VMware Workspace ONE 21.X Advanced Integration Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-61.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Workspace ONE 21.X Advanced Integration Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of 5V0-61.22 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 5V0-61.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe the topology of claim-based identity and access management/ Define risks and their mitigations – combine with HA DR
  • Module 2: Explain the different use cases and supported features of Workspace ONE Access Connector/ Explain features and use cases of Workspace ONE Verify (Intelligent Hub)
  • Module 3: Discuss all third-party components that are required for infrastructure design/ Outline Workspace ONE design methodology and how it can apply to your organization
  • Module 4: Explain AD synchronization from Workspace ONE UEM and from the Workspace ONE Access connector/ Describe the integration steps of a Virtual apps integration with Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 5: Explain how to perform general Workspace ONE Access administration and maintenance through the API/ Discuss the usage of directory sync safeguards
  • Module 6: Explain the workflow of an access policy and identity provider/ Summarize the integration workflow of Workspace ONE UEM with Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 7: Illustrate the workflow of the RSA SecureID (cloud deployment) authentication method/ Describe what Workspace ONE Intelligence Trust Network is and what third-party solutions are in the ecosystem
  • Module 8: Describe the differences between Hub Services with or without an integrated Workspace ONE Access/ Discuss the risk scoring feature with Workspace ONE Intelligence Risk Analytics
  • Module 9: Describe use-cases and steps to implement DEEM/ Outline the workflow of integrating Workspace ONE Access with VMware Horizon
  • Module 10: Explain how to deploy Workspace ONE experience workflows according to a use case/ Identify benefits of integrating Workspace ONE Access with other Workspace ONE products
  • Module 11: Explain how 3rd party integration works to connect and share data with Workspace ONE Intelligence/ Outline benefits of claims-based identity management
  • Module 12: Explain the workflow of the Kerberos authentication method/ Explain how JIT provisioning works in Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 13: Identify the features and use cases of the AirWatch Provisioning app/ Explain the authentication workflow of certificate cloud deployment
  • Module 14: Explain the steps to write a Workspace ONE Access API call/ Distinguish the types of resources and how to configure them in the Workspace ONE Access catalog
  • Module 15: Explain how to perform general Workspace ONE UEM administration and maintenance through the API/ Summarize the workflow of OAuth 2.0 authentication for Web Applications


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Q1. An administrator wants to ensure end-users have a seamless cross-device authentication experience while leveraging Single Sign-On (SSO) and meeting security compliance requirements. Which VMware solutions can be integrated to achieve this use-case?

A.Workspace ONE Access + Workspace ONE UEM

B. Workspace ONE Intelligence + Workspace ONE Access

C. Workspace ONE Assist + Workspace ONE Intelligence

D. Workspace ONE UEM + Workspace ONE Assist

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Which combination of authentication challenges does an integration of RSA SecurID in Workspace ONE Access provide to protect resources?

A.Password and PIN

B. Password, PIN, and biometrics

C. Password and biometrics

D. Password, email, and biometrics

Correct Answer: B

Q3. An administrator wants to ensure end-users have a seamless cross-device authentication experience while leveraging Single Sign-On (SSO) and meeting security compliance requirements. Which VMware solutions can be integrated to achieve this use-case?

A.Workspace ONE Access + Workspace ONE UEM

B. Workspace ONE Intelligence + Workspace ONE Access

C. Workspace ONE Assist + Workspace ONE Intelligence

D. Workspace ONE UEM + Workspace ONE Assist

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Which type of message will a user's browser send to the Identity Provider when executing a Service Provider initiated federated SSO workflow?


B. SAMLpRequest

C. AuthzRequest

D. AuthnRequest

Correct Answer: D

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