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VMware 5V0-41.21 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.1 Security
Exam Code: 5V0-41.21
Related Certification(s): VMware NSX-T Data Center Security Certification
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 130 Minutes
Number of 5V0-41.21 practice questions in our database:

Expected 5V0-41.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe NSX Edge Security (Gateway Firewall and URL Analysis)/ Describe VMware Security portfolio
  • Module 2: Identify and review log files and events related to firewalls, IDS/IPS, URL Analysis/ Validate guest introspection is operational
  • Module 3: Enable logging on hosts and Edge transport nodes/ Deploy NSX Intelligence appliance
  • Module  4: Configure and manage distributed IDS/IPS (signatures, profiles, rules)/ Configure and manage distributed firewall policies and rules
  • Module 5: Validate North-South and East-West network introspection is operational/ Verify logging is enabled on hosts and Edge transport nodes
  • Module 6: Describe NSX Distributed IDS/IPS/ Describe East-West insertion/ VMware Products and Solutions
  • Module 7: Configure logging for specific security features/ Configure manage time based firewalls rules
  • Module 8: Describe information management security/ Describe Zero-Trust Security/ Architectures and Technologies
  • Module 9: Verify the operation of Distributed Firewall/ Verify the operation of URL analysis/ Verify the operation of IDS/IPS
  • Module 10: Describe firewalls and their function/ Describe NSX Distributed Firewall/ Describe North-South insertion
  • Module 11: Visualize traffic flows and create security recommendations using NSX Intelligence/ Manage users and roles
  • Module 12: Install and configure Guest Introspection agent components in VMTools/ Verify the operation of Gateway Firewall rules


Exam Name: VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.1 Security
Exam Code: 5V0-41.21
Related Certification(s): VMware NSX-T Data Center Security Certification
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 130 Minutes
Number of 5V0-41.21 practice questions in our database:

Expected 5V0-41.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe NSX Edge Security (Gateway Firewall and URL Analysis)/ Describe VMware Security portfolio
  • Module 2: Identify and review log files and events related to firewalls, IDS/IPS, URL Analysis/ Validate guest introspection is operational
  • Module 3: Enable logging on hosts and Edge transport nodes/ Deploy NSX Intelligence appliance
  • Module  4: Configure and manage distributed IDS/IPS (signatures, profiles, rules)/ Configure and manage distributed firewall policies and rules
  • Module 5: Validate North-South and East-West network introspection is operational/ Verify logging is enabled on hosts and Edge transport nodes
  • Module 6: Describe NSX Distributed IDS/IPS/ Describe East-West insertion/ VMware Products and Solutions
  • Module 7: Configure logging for specific security features/ Configure manage time based firewalls rules
  • Module 8: Describe information management security/ Describe Zero-Trust Security/ Architectures and Technologies
  • Module 9: Verify the operation of Distributed Firewall/ Verify the operation of URL analysis/ Verify the operation of IDS/IPS
  • Module 10: Describe firewalls and their function/ Describe NSX Distributed Firewall/ Describe North-South insertion
  • Module 11: Visualize traffic flows and create security recommendations using NSX Intelligence/ Manage users and roles
  • Module 12: Install and configure Guest Introspection agent components in VMTools/ Verify the operation of Gateway Firewall rules


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Q1. A security administrator recently enabled Guest Introspection on NSX-T Data Center. Which would be a reason none of the Microsoft Windows based VMs are reporting any information?

A.Windows VMs require a reboot.

B. VMware Tools need to be reconfigured.

C. NSX Manager require a reboot.

D. NSX Manager needs to be reconfigured.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A customer has a requirement to achieve Zero-Trust Security and minimize operational overhead. Which VMware solution can be used by the customer to achieve the requirement?

A.NSX Manager

B. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid

C. Carbon Black Anti-Virus

D. NSX Intelligence

Correct Answer: D

Q3. An NSX administrator has been tasked with deploying a NSX Edge Virtual machine through an ISO image. Which virtual network interface card (vNIC) type must be selected while creating the NSX Edge VM allow participation in overlay and VLAN transport zones?




D. Flexible

Correct Answer: C

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