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VMware 5V0-35.21 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware vRealize Operations Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-35.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Specialist – vRealize Operations Certifications
  • VMware vRealize Operations Certifications
  • VMware vRealize Operations – Cloud Management Automation vROPS-CMA Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 5V0-35.21 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-35.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify the types and uses of object groupings/ Identify how high availability is achieved in vRealize Operations
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, identify the options for sharing dashboards/ Given a scenario, identify the process of onboarding workload in vROPS cloud
  • Module 3: Identify the role played by the admin UI in managing a vRealize Operations cluster/ vRealize Operations Policies and Certificates Management
  • Module 4: Identify the role and use cases of the cloud proxy when used with vRealize Operations Cloud/ Identify how to view vRealize Operations logs and audit reports in the UI
  • Module 5: Identify the configuration options for operational and business intent/ Identify the characteristics of service discovery and application monitoring
  • Module 6: Identify the integration options for the vRealize Cloud solutions/ Identify how to monitor the health of a vRealize Operations cluster
  • Module 7: Identify the deployment options and requirements for vRealize Operations node/ Identify the types of nodes and their role in a vRealize Operations cluster
  • Module 8: Identify the various compliance standards supported by vRealize Operations/ Identify the process for configuring application monitoring
  • Module 9: Identify the characteristics of the troubleshooting workbench/ Identify the need for a custom cloud provider when completing What If scenarios
  • Module 10: Identify the types of cost drivers in vRealize Operations/ Identify the process to include a metric configuration file for the Scoreboard widget
  • Module 11: Identify how privilege priorities impact user rights/ Identify the characteristics of the cloud services console
  • Module 12: Identify use cases for vRealize Operations/ Given a scenario, identify the deployment architecture that should be used


Exam Name: VMware vRealize Operations Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-35.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Specialist – vRealize Operations Certifications
  • VMware vRealize Operations Certifications
  • VMware vRealize Operations – Cloud Management Automation vROPS-CMA Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 5V0-35.21 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-35.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify the types and uses of object groupings/ Identify how high availability is achieved in vRealize Operations
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, identify the options for sharing dashboards/ Given a scenario, identify the process of onboarding workload in vROPS cloud
  • Module 3: Identify the role played by the admin UI in managing a vRealize Operations cluster/ vRealize Operations Policies and Certificates Management
  • Module 4: Identify the role and use cases of the cloud proxy when used with vRealize Operations Cloud/ Identify how to view vRealize Operations logs and audit reports in the UI
  • Module 5: Identify the configuration options for operational and business intent/ Identify the characteristics of service discovery and application monitoring
  • Module 6: Identify the integration options for the vRealize Cloud solutions/ Identify how to monitor the health of a vRealize Operations cluster
  • Module 7: Identify the deployment options and requirements for vRealize Operations node/ Identify the types of nodes and their role in a vRealize Operations cluster
  • Module 8: Identify the various compliance standards supported by vRealize Operations/ Identify the process for configuring application monitoring
  • Module 9: Identify the characteristics of the troubleshooting workbench/ Identify the need for a custom cloud provider when completing What If scenarios
  • Module 10: Identify the types of cost drivers in vRealize Operations/ Identify the process to include a metric configuration file for the Scoreboard widget
  • Module 11: Identify how privilege priorities impact user rights/ Identify the characteristics of the cloud services console
  • Module 12: Identify use cases for vRealize Operations/ Given a scenario, identify the deployment architecture that should be used


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Q1. An administrator is working on reclamation options in a virtualization environment and has discovered that a Powered-Off VM (SRV-A) is showing as a candidate for reclamation. The administrator researched SRV-A and finds out that the server is only used and powered-on the first three days of a month. The administrator needs to prevent this server as a candidate for reclamation. Which action, if any, should the administrator take to meet this goal?

A.Unreqister SRV-A from vCenter when it was powered-off, and reqister before power-on.

B. Delete SRV-A and virtual disks from vCenter.

C. No action is needed. It should remain as an SRV-A in vCenter.

D. Exclude SRV-A from reclamation.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. The administrator has been tasked with creating several alert definitions for virtual machine objects in vRealize Operations Manager, based on readily available symptom definitions. The administrator wants automated remediation to be triggered when these alerts are triggered. Which two alert components are needed to achieve this goal? (Choose two.)


B. Actions

C. Notifications

D. Symptoms

E. Custom Group

Correct Answer: A, B

Q3. Which three pre-requisites must be met to enable the workload placement feature between vRealize Automation Cloud and vRealize Operations Cloud? (Choose three.)

A.The vRealize Operations Manaqement Pack for vRealize Automation Cloud must be installed and activated.

B. Both vRealize Automation Cloud and vRealize Operations Cloud must manage the same Cloud Account.

C. In vRealize Automation Cloud, the target Cloud Zone Placement Policy must be set to SPREAD.

D. In vRealize Automation Cloud, the target Cloud Zone Placement Policy must be set to ADVANCED

E. All clusters within the target Cloud Zone must have VMware HA enabled.

F. All clusters within the target Cloud Zone must have fully automated VMware DRS enabled.

Correct Answer: B, D, F

Q4. The administrator has been tasked with creating several alert definitions for virtual machine objects in vRealize Operations Manager, based on readily available symptom definitions. The administrator wants automated remediation to be triggered when these alerts are triggered. Which two alert components are needed to achieve this goal? (Choose two.)


B. Actions

C. Notifications

D. Symptoms

E. Custom Group

Correct Answer: A, B

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