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VMware 5V0-32.21 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Cloud Provider Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-32.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Specialist – Cloud Provider Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of 5V0-32.21 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-32.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify the function of VMware Cloud Director storage concepts/ Identify components of Cloud Director Availability
  • Module 2: Identify the function of VMware Cloud Director cell architecture and services/ Identify the function of VMware Cloud Director networking concepts
  • Module 3: Identify the functionality of VMware vCloud Usage Meter/ Identify use cases of Container Service Extension
  • Module 4: Identify use cases of Cloud Director Availability/ Identify use cases of Object Storage Service
  • Module 5: Identify use cases for vRealize Operations Tenant App for Cloud Director/ Identify use cases of Cloud Foundation
  • Module 6: Identify components of vRealize Operations Tenant App for Cloud Director/ Given an installation scenario, identify hardware and software requirements
  • Module 7: Given a scenario, identify the appropriate configuration of VMware vsphere resources/ Identify the steps to configure and enable identity provider functionality
  • Module 8: Identify how to manage cloud resources using VMware Cloud Director/ Identify how to configure VMware Cloud Director for multi-site management
  • Module 9: Identify the load balancing requirements for VMware Cloud Director/ Identify the components of the Cloud Provider Platform
  • Module 10: Identify how to manage catalogs using VMware Cloud Director user interface/ Indentify default and custom VMware Cloud Director user roles and groups
  • Module 11: Identify how to configure and apply VMware Cloud Director Availability Policies and SLA Profiles/ Identify the steps to install and configure VMware Cloud Director Identify how to manage organizations in VMware Cloud Diretor/ Administration and Operations of VMware vCloud Director


Exam Name: VMware Cloud Provider Specialist
Exam Code: 5V0-32.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Specialist – Cloud Provider Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of 5V0-32.21 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-32.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify the function of VMware Cloud Director storage concepts/ Identify components of Cloud Director Availability
  • Module 2: Identify the function of VMware Cloud Director cell architecture and services/ Identify the function of VMware Cloud Director networking concepts
  • Module 3: Identify the functionality of VMware vCloud Usage Meter/ Identify use cases of Container Service Extension
  • Module 4: Identify use cases of Cloud Director Availability/ Identify use cases of Object Storage Service
  • Module 5: Identify use cases for vRealize Operations Tenant App for Cloud Director/ Identify use cases of Cloud Foundation
  • Module 6: Identify components of vRealize Operations Tenant App for Cloud Director/ Given an installation scenario, identify hardware and software requirements
  • Module 7: Given a scenario, identify the appropriate configuration of VMware vsphere resources/ Identify the steps to configure and enable identity provider functionality
  • Module 8: Identify how to manage cloud resources using VMware Cloud Director/ Identify how to configure VMware Cloud Director for multi-site management
  • Module 9: Identify the load balancing requirements for VMware Cloud Director/ Identify the components of the Cloud Provider Platform
  • Module 10: Identify how to manage catalogs using VMware Cloud Director user interface/ Indentify default and custom VMware Cloud Director user roles and groups
  • Module 11: Identify how to configure and apply VMware Cloud Director Availability Policies and SLA Profiles/ Identify the steps to install and configure VMware Cloud Director Identify how to manage organizations in VMware Cloud Diretor/ Administration and Operations of VMware vCloud Director


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Q1. Which two Linux distributions are supported as the base operating system for a VMware Cloud Director installation? (Choose two.)

A.Red Hat Enterprise Linux

B. Ubuntu

C. Debian Linux

D. Amazon Linux

E. CentOS

Correct Answer: A, E

Q2. Which allocation model can only be non-elastic?

A.Reservation Pool

B. Allocation Pool

C. Pay-As-You-Go

D. Flex

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which plugin, in addition to the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Plugin for Cloud Director, can be used to enable the system administrator to automate tasks in VMware Cloud Director through vRealize Orchestrator?

A.SOAP Plugin

B. VAPI Plugin

C. REST Plugin

D. SNMP Plugin

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A system administrator is cleaning up old custom roles to align with management via rights bundles and sees a role that is not a default role in VMware Cloud Director. Which role should be deleted by the system administrator?

A.vApp User

B. Catalog Author

C. Organization Administrator

D. vApp Manager

Correct Answer: C

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