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VMware 5V0-31.22 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Cloud Foundation Specialist (v2)
Exam Code: 5V0-31.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Certified Specialist – Cloud Foundation Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of 5V0-31.22 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-31.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify use cases for multiple clusters in a workload domain/ Identify information required for the Planning and Preparation Workbook
  • Module 2: Identify the order of upgrade for VMware Cloud Foundation components/ Identify the steps to replace and install certificates for VMware Cloud Foundation components
  • Module 3: Identify the functions of NSX-T networking components/ Given a scenario, identify the requirements for deploying VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Module 4: Given a scenario, identify the steps to deploy vSphere with Kubernetes/ Given a scenario, identify how to configure user access to VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, identify NSX Edge cluster placement considerations/ Identify the characteristics of mapping between storage policies and Kubernetes storage classes
  • Module 6: Identify information required for the Deployment Parameter Workbook/ Given a scenario, identify the design considerations for vCenter in management and VI workload domains
  • Module 7: Identify the steps to perform checks and create log bundles with the SoS tool/ Given a VMware component, identify which, when, or how to assign license keys
  • Module 8: Identify steps in the SDDC Manager backup and restore process/ Identify the steps to configure limits and permissions for a vSphere namespace
  • Module 9: Identify the components or steps during the VMware Cloud Foundation bring-up process/ Given a scenario, identify design considerations for storage in management and VI workload domains
  • Module 10: Identify the characteristics of scaling vSAN clusters in VMware Cloud Foundation/ Identify the components of the NSX Management, Control, or Data planes
  • Module 11: Identify the prerequisites for vSphere with Tanzu cluster compatibility/ Identify the characteristics of vSphere Lifecycle Manager Baseline-based and Image-based Clusters


Exam Name: VMware Cloud Foundation Specialist (v2)
Exam Code: 5V0-31.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Specialist Certifications
  • VMware Certified Specialist – Cloud Foundation Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of 5V0-31.22 practice questions in our database:
Expected 5V0-31.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify use cases for multiple clusters in a workload domain/ Identify information required for the Planning and Preparation Workbook
  • Module 2: Identify the order of upgrade for VMware Cloud Foundation components/ Identify the steps to replace and install certificates for VMware Cloud Foundation components
  • Module 3: Identify the functions of NSX-T networking components/ Given a scenario, identify the requirements for deploying VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Module 4: Given a scenario, identify the steps to deploy vSphere with Kubernetes/ Given a scenario, identify how to configure user access to VMware Cloud Foundation
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, identify NSX Edge cluster placement considerations/ Identify the characteristics of mapping between storage policies and Kubernetes storage classes
  • Module 6: Identify information required for the Deployment Parameter Workbook/ Given a scenario, identify the design considerations for vCenter in management and VI workload domains
  • Module 7: Identify the steps to perform checks and create log bundles with the SoS tool/ Given a VMware component, identify which, when, or how to assign license keys
  • Module 8: Identify steps in the SDDC Manager backup and restore process/ Identify the steps to configure limits and permissions for a vSphere namespace
  • Module 9: Identify the components or steps during the VMware Cloud Foundation bring-up process/ Given a scenario, identify design considerations for storage in management and VI workload domains
  • Module 10: Identify the characteristics of scaling vSAN clusters in VMware Cloud Foundation/ Identify the components of the NSX Management, Control, or Data planes
  • Module 11: Identify the prerequisites for vSphere with Tanzu cluster compatibility/ Identify the characteristics of vSphere Lifecycle Manager Baseline-based and Image-based Clusters


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Q1. An architect is designing a new vSAN cluster to be added to an existing workload domain for a customer who is on a tight budget. What is the minimum number of hosts required for this additional cluster?


B. 3

C. 1

D. 2

Correct Answer: B

Q2. During the design phase for a greenfield VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) deployment, the following design decision has been agreed upon: * Developer Ready Infrastructure needs to be deployed The Infrastructure Architect is working with the client to fill the Planning and Preparation Workbook. The Option for 'Developer Ready Infrastructure using VMware Cloud Foundation' has been set to 'Deploy'. The 'Developer Ready Infrastructure using VMware Cloud Foundation' is displaying an error, and its Final Result is stating 'Excluded'. Which option should be enabled in the Planning and Preparation Workbook to address this issue?

A.Stretched Cluster for Management Domain

B. Clustered Workspace ONE Access

C. Identity and Access Management for VMware Cloud Foundation

D. Stretched Cluster for Workload Domain

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which functionality does a NSX Tier-1 Gateway provide to a vSphere with Tanzu deployment?

A.Downlink connection to segments

B. Downlink connection to Tier-0 gateway

C. Layer 2 Switching

D. Static or dynamic routing

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which vSphere Lifecycle Manager (LCM) function is supported in VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF)?

A.Manage certificate replacement for ESXi hosts.

B. Rotate passwords for ESXi hosts.

C. Downgrade VM hardware version.

D. Install and update third-party software on ESXi hosts.

Correct Answer: D

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