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VMware 2V0-72.22 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Professional Develop VMware Spring
Exam Code: 2V0-72.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP Application Modernization Develop VCP-AM Develop Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 130 Minutes
Number of 2V0-72.22 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 2V0-72.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Use External Properties to control Configuration/ Discuss Best Practices for Configuration choices
  • Module 2: Explain the concepts behind AOP and the problems that it solves/ Demonstrate the purpose of Profiles
  • Module 3: Use Spring Security to configure Authentication and Authorization/ Annotation-Based Configuration and Component Scanning
  • Module 4: Describe options for defining and loading properties/ Explain how Spring proxies add behavior at runtime
  • Module 5: Create controllers to support the REST endpoints for various verbs/ Access Beans in the Application Context
  • Module 6: Describe the basic request processing lifecycle for REST requests/ Explain and use Annotation-based Configuration
  • Module 7: Spring Boot Properties and Autoconfiguration/ Handle multiple Configuration files
  • Module 8: Use a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and a BeanPostProcessor/ Explain different types of Advice and when to use them
  • Module 9: Describe how Spring determines bean creation order/ Implement and deploy Advices using Spring AOP
  • Module 10: Create a simple RESTful controller to handle GET requests/ Execute queries using callbacks to handle result sets
  • Module 11: Describe Spring Boot dependency management/ Explain how to create a Spring MVC application using Spring Boot
  • Module 12: Describe and use Spring Transaction Management/ Use the Spring Expression Language (SpEL)


Exam Name: Professional Develop VMware Spring
Exam Code: 2V0-72.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP Application Modernization Develop VCP-AM Develop Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 130 Minutes
Number of 2V0-72.22 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 2V0-72.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Use External Properties to control Configuration/ Discuss Best Practices for Configuration choices
  • Module 2: Explain the concepts behind AOP and the problems that it solves/ Demonstrate the purpose of Profiles
  • Module 3: Use Spring Security to configure Authentication and Authorization/ Annotation-Based Configuration and Component Scanning
  • Module 4: Describe options for defining and loading properties/ Explain how Spring proxies add behavior at runtime
  • Module 5: Create controllers to support the REST endpoints for various verbs/ Access Beans in the Application Context
  • Module 6: Describe the basic request processing lifecycle for REST requests/ Explain and use Annotation-based Configuration
  • Module 7: Spring Boot Properties and Autoconfiguration/ Handle multiple Configuration files
  • Module 8: Use a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and a BeanPostProcessor/ Explain different types of Advice and when to use them
  • Module 9: Describe how Spring determines bean creation order/ Implement and deploy Advices using Spring AOP
  • Module 10: Create a simple RESTful controller to handle GET requests/ Execute queries using callbacks to handle result sets
  • Module 11: Describe Spring Boot dependency management/ Explain how to create a Spring MVC application using Spring Boot
  • Module 12: Describe and use Spring Transaction Management/ Use the Spring Expression Language (SpEL)


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Q1. Which two statements are true about Spring AOP? (Choose two.)

A.The @After advice type is invoked regardless of whether a method successfully returned or an exception was thrown.

B. In Spring AOP, a join point represents a method execution or property access.

C. In Spring AOP, a join point represents a method execution or property access.

D. Examples of cross-cutting concerns include security, caching, transaction.

E. There are in total 4 types of advice, @Before, @After, @AfterReturning and @AfterThrowing.

Correct Answer: A, D

Q2. Which two statements describe the ApplicationContext correctly? (Choose two.)

A.The ApplicationContext is the root interface for accessing the Spring container.

B. The ApplicationContext lazy initializes beans by default.

C. The ApplicationContext can be created in a test environment, web application, and in a standalone application.

D. The ApplicationContext does not include all functionality of the BeanFactory.

E. The ApplicationContext maintains singleton beans that are instantiated by the Spring runtime.

Correct Answer: A, C

Q3. Which two statements are true about REST? (Choose two.)

A.REST is a Protocol.

B. REST is Stateful.

C. REST is Reliable.

D. REST is Interoperable.

E. REST is Relative.

Correct Answer: A, D

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