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VMware 2V0-62.23 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Workspace ONE 22.X Professional
Exam Code: 2V0-62.23
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP Digital Workspace VCP-DW Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 2V0-62.23 practice questions in our database:
Expected 2V0-62.23 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Outline the steps for setting up autodiscovery in the Workspace ONE UEM console/ Describe VMware Workspace ONE UEM basic administration
  • Module 2: Describe the benefits of using Apple Business Manager content integration/ Explain alternative management methods for a Workspace ONE solution
  • Module 3: Explain the features and functions of Workspace ONE Hub Services/ Explain the functions of directory integration with Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 4: Summarize the key features of an integrated solution/ Describe the concept of mobile single sign-on and outline mobile single sign-on workflows
  • Module 5: Configure email compliance policies and notifications services/ Conduct alternative application management methods in a Workspace ONE solution
  • Module 6: Perform basic administration actions in Workspace ONE solution/ Manage endpoints from the Device List View and the Device Details View pages
  • Module 7: Explain the various type of authentication protocols and methods/ Explain the differences between device and user profiles
  • Module 8: Enroll an endpoint through the VMware Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app/ Configure the appropriate synchronization settings for server, users and groups
  • Module 9: Identify the functions enabled by VMware Unified Access Gateway/ Summarize the available email infrastructure integration models and describe their workflows
  • Module 10: Explain Mobile Single Sign-On in a VMware Workspace ONE solution/ Explain SAML 2.0 authentication in a VMware Workspace ONE solution


Exam Name: VMware Workspace ONE 22.X Professional
Exam Code: 2V0-62.23
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP Digital Workspace VCP-DW Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 2V0-62.23 practice questions in our database:
Expected 2V0-62.23 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Outline the steps for setting up autodiscovery in the Workspace ONE UEM console/ Describe VMware Workspace ONE UEM basic administration
  • Module 2: Describe the benefits of using Apple Business Manager content integration/ Explain alternative management methods for a Workspace ONE solution
  • Module 3: Explain the features and functions of Workspace ONE Hub Services/ Explain the functions of directory integration with Workspace ONE Access
  • Module 4: Summarize the key features of an integrated solution/ Describe the concept of mobile single sign-on and outline mobile single sign-on workflows
  • Module 5: Configure email compliance policies and notifications services/ Conduct alternative application management methods in a Workspace ONE solution
  • Module 6: Perform basic administration actions in Workspace ONE solution/ Manage endpoints from the Device List View and the Device Details View pages
  • Module 7: Explain the various type of authentication protocols and methods/ Explain the differences between device and user profiles
  • Module 8: Enroll an endpoint through the VMware Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app/ Configure the appropriate synchronization settings for server, users and groups
  • Module 9: Identify the functions enabled by VMware Unified Access Gateway/ Summarize the available email infrastructure integration models and describe their workflows
  • Module 10: Explain Mobile Single Sign-On in a VMware Workspace ONE solution/ Explain SAML 2.0 authentication in a VMware Workspace ONE solution


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Q1. A Workspace ONE UEM administrator is concerned about the security of their organization's mobile devices. The concern is with jail-broken or rooted devices accessing company resources or navigating within the company network. The company's CIO wants a no-tolerance policy for devices in this state, requesting that they be removed immediately if detected. How can the administrator enforce the policy using Workspace ONE UEM?

A.Configure a compliance policy to check for Compromised Status = Compromised. Configure the compliance action to send an email to the user asking them to unenroll.

B. Configure an application blacklist policy for one of the apps that is used to jail-break or root devices.

C. Configure a compliance policy to check for Compromised Status = Compromised. Configure the compliance action to enterprise wipe the device immediately.

D. Configure a daily report checking for compromised devices. Manually send enterprise wipe commands to each device based on the devices listed in the report.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which is required to deploy managed content to an end user's device?

A.File application

B. Web application

C. Content application

D. Tunnel application

Correct Answer: C

Q3. A Workspace ONE UEM administrator is concerned about the security of their organization's mobile devices. The concern is with jail-broken or rooted devices accessing company resources or navigating within the company network. The company's CIO wants a no-tolerance policy for devices in this state, requesting that they be removed immediately if detected. How can the administrator enforce the policy using Workspace ONE UEM?

A.Configure a compliance policy to check for Compromised Status = Compromised. Configure the compliance action to send an email to the user asking them to unenroll.

B. Configure an application blacklist policy for one of the apps that is used to jail-break or root devices.

C. Configure a compliance policy to check for Compromised Status = Compromised. Configure the compliance action to enterprise wipe the device immediately.

D. Configure a daily report checking for compromised devices. Manually send enterprise wipe commands to each device based on the devices listed in the report.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. To use the authentication method ''Device Compliance (with Workspace ONE UEM)'', where in Workspace ONE Access must it be enabled first to establish the communication with Workspace ONE UEM?

A.Connector Authentication Methods

B. Identity Providers

C. Connectors

D. Hub Configuration

E. UEM Integration

F. Directories

Correct Answer: E

Q5. A Workspace ONE UEM administrator is working on a special project where they have to grant access to their environment for a limited time. What is the best method for achieving this goal?

A.Create an Admin Group with custom group assignments.

B. Create an Admin Account and remove permissions.

C. Create a limited Admin Account.

D. Create a Temporary Admin Account.

Correct Answer: D

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