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VMware 2V0-33.22PSE Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Cloud Professional Exam
Exam Code: 2V0-33.22PSE
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP VMware Cloud VCP-VMC Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Number of 2V0-33.22PSE practice questions in our database: 
Expected 2V0-33.22PSE Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Architecture and Technologies: This topic explains the benefits of cloud computing, the functional components of a VMware Cloud solution, Hybrid Linked Mode for the VMware SDDC, and scaling options in VMware Cloud environments. It also describes a cloud network architecture, networking in the software-defined data center (SDDC), and VMware SDDC components.
  • Module 2: VMware Products and Solutions: It focuses on the VMware Cloud operating model, the role of other cloud services, the VMware multi-cloud vision, the function of VMware HCX, and the NSX architecture in VMware Cloud. Additionally, the topic covers the functions of VMware Tanzu products in Kubernetes life cycle management.
  • Module 3: Planning and Designing: It covers configuration sizing requirements for a VMware Cloud SDDC, VMware HCX appliances, the requirements for cloud onboarding within a VMware single- or multi-cloud environment, and the concept of different types of segments. Moreover, the topic explains the concept of dynamic SDDC scale-out and cluster operations.
  • Module 4: Performance-tuning and Optimization: This topic focuses on networking performance, storage performance, and the guest OS configuration.
  • Module 5: Troubleshooting and Repairing: It discusses troubleshooting networking issues, internetworking, security, workloads, and storage.
  • Module 6: Administrative and Operational Tasks: It explains how to create and manage user account and role permissions, VM snapshots, and network segments. This topic also focuses on management and operational responsibilities in VMware Cloud on AWS.


Exam Name: VMware Cloud Professional Exam
Exam Code: 2V0-33.22PSE
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP VMware Cloud VCP-VMC Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Number of 2V0-33.22PSE practice questions in our database: 
Expected 2V0-33.22PSE Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Architecture and Technologies: This topic explains the benefits of cloud computing, the functional components of a VMware Cloud solution, Hybrid Linked Mode for the VMware SDDC, and scaling options in VMware Cloud environments. It also describes a cloud network architecture, networking in the software-defined data center (SDDC), and VMware SDDC components.
  • Module 2: VMware Products and Solutions: It focuses on the VMware Cloud operating model, the role of other cloud services, the VMware multi-cloud vision, the function of VMware HCX, and the NSX architecture in VMware Cloud. Additionally, the topic covers the functions of VMware Tanzu products in Kubernetes life cycle management.
  • Module 3: Planning and Designing: It covers configuration sizing requirements for a VMware Cloud SDDC, VMware HCX appliances, the requirements for cloud onboarding within a VMware single- or multi-cloud environment, and the concept of different types of segments. Moreover, the topic explains the concept of dynamic SDDC scale-out and cluster operations.
  • Module 4: Performance-tuning and Optimization: This topic focuses on networking performance, storage performance, and the guest OS configuration.
  • Module 5: Troubleshooting and Repairing: It discusses troubleshooting networking issues, internetworking, security, workloads, and storage.
  • Module 6: Administrative and Operational Tasks: It explains how to create and manage user account and role permissions, VM snapshots, and network segments. This topic also focuses on management and operational responsibilities in VMware Cloud on AWS.


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Q1. A cloud administrator wants to deploy a VMware Cloud software-defined data center (SDDC) on a cloud provider and requires a consistent 4.5 Gbps bandwidth from applications to communicate from on-premises to the SDDC. Which type of connection should be used for this type of traffic?

A.Policy-based virtual private network (VPN)

B. Private L2 virtual private network (VPN)

C. Route-based virtual private network (VPN)

D. Private line

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which hyperscaler partner is best suited for customers who need 100 GB bandwidth between SDDCs in the cloud? (Select one option)

A.VMware Cloud on AWS

B. Azure VMware Solution

C. Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

D. Google Cloud VMware Engine

Correct Answer: A

Q3. A cloud administrator wants to deploy a VMware Cloud software-defined data center (SDDC) on a cloud provider and requires a consistent 4.5 Gbps bandwidth from applications to communicate from on-premises to the SDDC. Which type of connection should be used for this type of traffic?

A.Policy-based virtual private network (VPN)

B. Private L2 virtual private network (VPN)

C. Route-based virtual private network (VPN)

D. Private line

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which two components are required in order to deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Cluster in VMware Could environment? (Choose two)

A.Tanzu CLI

B. Supervisor namespace

C. vSphere VM folder

D. vSphere resource pool

E. YAML manifest file

Correct Answer: C, D

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