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VMware 2V0-33.22 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: VMware Cloud Professional
Exam Code: 2V0-33.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP VMware Cloud VCP-VMC Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 2V0-33.22 practice questions in our database:
Expected 2V0-33.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe use cases for VMware Cloud on Dell EMC and VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts/ Explain Hybrid Linked Mode for the VMware SDDC
  • Module2: Identify authentication options for the VMware Cloud Services Portal/ Describe the functional components of a VMware Cloud solution
  • Module 3: Describe how VMware and its hyperscaler partners address IT challenges/ Explain the functions of Kubernetes components
  • Module 4: Describe VMware vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion technology/ Explain scaling options in VMware Cloud environments
  • Module 5: Deploy and configure VMware HCX appliances/ Understand the concept of different types of segments (compute and management)
  • Module 6: Create and manage user account and role permissions/ Recognize management and operational responsibilities in VMware Cloud on AWS
  • Module 7: Understand hyperscaler networking considerations/ Set up Hybrid Linked Mode using the VMware Cloud Gateway Appliance/ Describe networking in the software-defined data center (SDDC)/ Differentiate between VMware Cloud connectivity options
  • Module 8: Describe the VMware Cloud operating model/ Understand configuration sizing requirements for a VMware Cloud SDDC
  • Module 9: Troubleshoot networking issues/ etermine the appropriate network connectivity option for connecting to and from VMware Cloud
  • Module 10: Explain the benefits of cloud computing/ Describe the different backup and disaster recovery options for VMware Cloud
  • Module 11: Understand the concept of dynamic SDDC scale-out/ Recognize update and upgrade responsibilities of various components for VMware Cloud on AWS
  • Module 12: Explain a high availability and resilient infrastructure/ Describe the functions of VMware Tanzu products in Kubernetes life cycle management
  • Module 13: Identify the appropriate backup or disaster recovery method for VMware Cloud given a scenario/ Monitor VMware NSX networking within VMware Cloud
  • Module 14: Describe the purpose of using Kubernetes/ Explain the NSX architecture in VMware Cloud


Exam Name: VMware Cloud Professional
Exam Code: 2V0-33.22
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Professional VCP Certifications
  • VMware VCP VMware Cloud VCP-VMC Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 2V0-33.22 practice questions in our database:
Expected 2V0-33.22 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe use cases for VMware Cloud on Dell EMC and VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts/ Explain Hybrid Linked Mode for the VMware SDDC
  • Module2: Identify authentication options for the VMware Cloud Services Portal/ Describe the functional components of a VMware Cloud solution
  • Module 3: Describe how VMware and its hyperscaler partners address IT challenges/ Explain the functions of Kubernetes components
  • Module 4: Describe VMware vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion technology/ Explain scaling options in VMware Cloud environments
  • Module 5: Deploy and configure VMware HCX appliances/ Understand the concept of different types of segments (compute and management)
  • Module 6: Create and manage user account and role permissions/ Recognize management and operational responsibilities in VMware Cloud on AWS
  • Module 7: Understand hyperscaler networking considerations/ Set up Hybrid Linked Mode using the VMware Cloud Gateway Appliance/ Describe networking in the software-defined data center (SDDC)/ Differentiate between VMware Cloud connectivity options
  • Module 8: Describe the VMware Cloud operating model/ Understand configuration sizing requirements for a VMware Cloud SDDC
  • Module 9: Troubleshoot networking issues/ etermine the appropriate network connectivity option for connecting to and from VMware Cloud
  • Module 10: Explain the benefits of cloud computing/ Describe the different backup and disaster recovery options for VMware Cloud
  • Module 11: Understand the concept of dynamic SDDC scale-out/ Recognize update and upgrade responsibilities of various components for VMware Cloud on AWS
  • Module 12: Explain a high availability and resilient infrastructure/ Describe the functions of VMware Tanzu products in Kubernetes life cycle management
  • Module 13: Identify the appropriate backup or disaster recovery method for VMware Cloud given a scenario/ Monitor VMware NSX networking within VMware Cloud
  • Module 14: Describe the purpose of using Kubernetes/ Explain the NSX architecture in VMware Cloud


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Q1. Which VMware technology ensures availability of the VMs in your SDDC and uses multiple ESXi hosts to provide rapid recovery from outages and cost-effective high availability for applications? (Select one option)

A.vSphere DRaaS

B. vSphere HA

C. vSphere DPM

D. vSphere eDRS

Correct Answer: B

Q2. In order to provide overlapping IP address segments within a VMware cloud Environment, what must be configured?

A.Additional NSX Edge appliances

B. Additional Tier-1 gateways

C. Additional network segments

D. Additional Tier-O gateways

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which VMware technology ensures availability of the VMs in your SDDC and uses multiple ESXi hosts to provide rapid recovery from outages and cost-effective high availability for applications? (Select one option)

A.vSphere DRaaS

B. vSphere HA

C. vSphere DPM

D. vSphere eDRS

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What must a cloud administrator configure in order to allow a company's on-premises data center to access the VMware Cloud on AWS vCenter Server.

A.Management network segment

B. Compute gateway firewall

C. Management gateway firewall

D. Compute network segment

Correct Answer: C

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