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VMware 1V0-71.21 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Associate VMware Application Modernization
Exam Code: 1V0-71.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Application Modernization VCTA-AM Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 130 Minutes
Number of 1V0-71.21 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 1V0-71.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe the purpose of Ingress controllers/ Describe difference between Containers and VMs
  • Module 2: Declarative versus Imperative design pattern for Kubernetes/ Describe the purpose of ConfigMaps
  • Module 3: Understand troubleshooting methods/ Describe the purpose of Containers
  • Module 4: Describe the relationship between Kubernetes and Containers/ Understand the basic architecture of Kubernetes
  • Module 5: Understand interacting with Kubernetes/ Describe the types of services/ Describe application modernization/ Compare Observability with Monitoring
  • Module 6: Describe the importance of Microservices/ Explain the need for app modernization
  • Module 7: Understand Image registry and functions/ Describe the use cases the Tanzu Portfolio solves, and the outcomes deliver
  • Module 8: Identify products in the Tanzu portfolio/ Describe the types of Tanzu Editions
  • Module 9: Understand VMware Tanzu Portfolio/ Describe the use of Service Mesh/ Explain the use of App catalogs


Exam Name: Associate VMware Application Modernization
Exam Code: 1V0-71.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Application Modernization VCTA-AM Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 130 Minutes
Number of 1V0-71.21 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 1V0-71.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe the purpose of Ingress controllers/ Describe difference between Containers and VMs
  • Module 2: Declarative versus Imperative design pattern for Kubernetes/ Describe the purpose of ConfigMaps
  • Module 3: Understand troubleshooting methods/ Describe the purpose of Containers
  • Module 4: Describe the relationship between Kubernetes and Containers/ Understand the basic architecture of Kubernetes
  • Module 5: Understand interacting with Kubernetes/ Describe the types of services/ Describe application modernization/ Compare Observability with Monitoring
  • Module 6: Describe the importance of Microservices/ Explain the need for app modernization
  • Module 7: Understand Image registry and functions/ Describe the use cases the Tanzu Portfolio solves, and the outcomes deliver
  • Module 8: Identify products in the Tanzu portfolio/ Describe the types of Tanzu Editions
  • Module 9: Understand VMware Tanzu Portfolio/ Describe the use of Service Mesh/ Explain the use of App catalogs


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Q1. Which Tanzu product provides centralized monitoring and management for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and other conformant Kubernetes clusters?

A.Tanzu Build Service

B. Tanzu Application Catalog

C. Tanzu Application Service

D. Tanzu Mission Control

Correct Answer: D

Q2. What are three components of a Kubernetes worker node? (Choose three.)


B. Language runtime

C. Container runtime

D. Scheduler

E. Etcd

F. Kube-proxy

Correct Answer: A, C, F

Q3. Which Tanzu product provides centralized monitoring and management for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and other conformant Kubernetes clusters?

A.Tanzu Build Service

B. Tanzu Application Catalog

C. Tanzu Application Service

D. Tanzu Mission Control

Correct Answer: D

Q4. Which VMware product monitors full-stack applications and cloud infrastructures with metrics, traces, span logs, and analytics?

A.Tanzu Operations Manager

B. vRealize Log Insight

C. Tanzu Observability

D. Splunk

Correct Answer: C

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