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VMware 1V0-61.21 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Associate VMware End-User Computing
Exam Code: 1V0-61.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Digital Workspace VCTA-DW Certifications
  • VMware VCTA End-User Computing VCTA-EUC Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 1V0-61.21 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 1V0-61.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe the components of a unified endpoint management solution/ Explain high availability and disaster recovery solution concepts
  • Module 2: Understand the third party dependencies of Workspace ONE/ Describe SaaS solutions and their benefits
  • Module 3: Differentiate between on-premises vs. cloud deployments/ Identify and describe server technologies used with VMware’s Digital Workspace solutions
  • Module 4: Describe a content delivery network solution and its purpose/ Understand the third party dependencies of Horizon
  • Module 5: Identify and describe VMware Unified Endpoint Management / Identify and describe VMware Horizon
  • Module 6: Perform administrative tasks in VMware Horizon / Explain (AirWatch) Email Notification Service features and functions
  • Module 7: Explain how to gather Intelligent Hub, Boxer, Web, Workspace ONE Content/ Perform administrative tasks in Workspace ONE Intelligence
  • Module 8: Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management for application management/ Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management for content management
  • Module 9: Identify and describe Workspace ONE Access features and functions/ Identify VMware Productivity Apps
  • Module 10: Explain basic virtualization terminology (HA, DRS, etc.) / Identify the different types of Horizon Cloud environments
  • Module 11: Explain VMware Workspace ONE Tunnel features and functions/ Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management for device management
  • Module 12: Understand and navigate the Content Dashboard and identify its elements/ Perform administrative tasks in Horizon Cloud
  • Module 13: Perform administrative tasks in Dynamic Environment Manager/ Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management email management


Exam Name: Associate VMware End-User Computing
Exam Code: 1V0-61.21
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Digital Workspace VCTA-DW Certifications
  • VMware VCTA End-User Computing VCTA-EUC Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 1V0-61.21 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 1V0-61.21 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Describe the components of a unified endpoint management solution/ Explain high availability and disaster recovery solution concepts
  • Module 2: Understand the third party dependencies of Workspace ONE/ Describe SaaS solutions and their benefits
  • Module 3: Differentiate between on-premises vs. cloud deployments/ Identify and describe server technologies used with VMware’s Digital Workspace solutions
  • Module 4: Describe a content delivery network solution and its purpose/ Understand the third party dependencies of Horizon
  • Module 5: Identify and describe VMware Unified Endpoint Management / Identify and describe VMware Horizon
  • Module 6: Perform administrative tasks in VMware Horizon / Explain (AirWatch) Email Notification Service features and functions
  • Module 7: Explain how to gather Intelligent Hub, Boxer, Web, Workspace ONE Content/ Perform administrative tasks in Workspace ONE Intelligence
  • Module 8: Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management for application management/ Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management for content management
  • Module 9: Identify and describe Workspace ONE Access features and functions/ Identify VMware Productivity Apps
  • Module 10: Explain basic virtualization terminology (HA, DRS, etc.) / Identify the different types of Horizon Cloud environments
  • Module 11: Explain VMware Workspace ONE Tunnel features and functions/ Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management for device management
  • Module 12: Understand and navigate the Content Dashboard and identify its elements/ Perform administrative tasks in Horizon Cloud
  • Module 13: Perform administrative tasks in Dynamic Environment Manager/ Perform administrative tasks in Unified Endpoint Management email management


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Q1. How can a Workspace ONE admin gather logs from a managed device in the UEM Console?

A.Group based targeted logging

B. Device-based targeted logging

C. OS-based targeted logging

D. Platform-based targeted logging

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which platform is responsible for securing external access to Horizon desktops and applications?

A.VMware: AppDefense

B. Horizon Cloud Connector

C. Unified Access Gateway

D. VMvware Tunnel

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which service gives the ability to remote control Android devices?

A.Workspace ONE Assist

B. Workspace ONE Intelligence

C. Workspace ONE Access

D. Workspace ONE Tunnel

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which Workspace ONE productivity application enables delivery of PDFs to enrolled devices?

A.Workspace ONE Web

B. Workspace ONE Content

C. Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub

D. Workspace ONE Tunnel

Correct Answer: D

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