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VMware 1V0-21.20PSE Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Associate VMware Data Center Virtualization Exam
Exam Code: 1V0-21.20PSE
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Data Center Virtualization VCTA-DCV Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 1V0-21.20PSE practice questions in our database: 
Expected 1V0-21.20PSE Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify use cases for virtual machine snapshots, cloning and templates/ Identify how to create and manage VIVI snapshots
  • Module 2: Identify how virtual resources can be shared across multiple virtual machines/ Identify the purpose of monitoring alarms, tasks and events
  • Module 3: Identify how to configure different types of datastores/ Identify use cases of High Availability and Disaster Recovery
  • Module 4: Identify how to perform and monitor vMotion. Storage vMotion, and Cold migrations/ Identify the functionality of the vSphere vlVlotion and Storage vMotion technology
  • Module 5: Identify the options that can be performed on different inventory objects/ Identify the characteristics of storage access protocols for vSphere
  • Module 6: Identify virtual networking issues that impact vSphere/ Identify vSphere virtual networking components and types
  • Module 7: Identify the use cases for Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC)/ Identify how to monitor vSphere Cluster and SDRS Cluster
  • Module 8: Identify the characteristics of vSphere storage technologies/ Identify how to manage VIVI templates and clones
  • Module 9: Identify Virtual Switch configuration options/ Identify the types of OS that can run on virtual machines
  • Module 10: Identify the use cases of vSphere vMotion and Storage vMotion technology/ Identify the concepts of role-based user management


Exam Name: Associate VMware Data Center Virtualization Exam
Exam Code: 1V0-21.20PSE
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Data Center Virtualization VCTA-DCV Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 135 Minutes
Number of 1V0-21.20PSE practice questions in our database: 
Expected 1V0-21.20PSE Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Identify use cases for virtual machine snapshots, cloning and templates/ Identify how to create and manage VIVI snapshots
  • Module 2: Identify how virtual resources can be shared across multiple virtual machines/ Identify the purpose of monitoring alarms, tasks and events
  • Module 3: Identify how to configure different types of datastores/ Identify use cases of High Availability and Disaster Recovery
  • Module 4: Identify how to perform and monitor vMotion. Storage vMotion, and Cold migrations/ Identify the functionality of the vSphere vlVlotion and Storage vMotion technology
  • Module 5: Identify the options that can be performed on different inventory objects/ Identify the characteristics of storage access protocols for vSphere
  • Module 6: Identify virtual networking issues that impact vSphere/ Identify vSphere virtual networking components and types
  • Module 7: Identify the use cases for Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC)/ Identify how to monitor vSphere Cluster and SDRS Cluster
  • Module 8: Identify the characteristics of vSphere storage technologies/ Identify how to manage VIVI templates and clones
  • Module 9: Identify Virtual Switch configuration options/ Identify the types of OS that can run on virtual machines
  • Module 10: Identify the use cases of vSphere vMotion and Storage vMotion technology/ Identify the concepts of role-based user management


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Q1. A vSphere administrator is unable to remove an ESXi host from a vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS). Which two reasons could have caused this issue?

A.The VDS is configured with ingress traffic shaping.

B. Virtual machines network adapters on the host are connected to the switch

C. Virtual machine network adapters are faulty.

D. The ESXi host is connected to another VDS.

E. The ESXi host had VMkernel adapters assigned to the switch.

Correct Answer: B, D

Q2. Which two guest operating systems are supported when a virtual machine must be deployed?


B. Microsoft Windows

C. Android

D. MacOS

E. T/TOS (tandem Transactional OS)

Correct Answer: B, D

Q3. A vSphere administrator is unable to remove an ESXi host from a vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS). Which two reasons could have caused this issue?

A.The VDS is configured with ingress traffic shaping.

B. Virtual machines network adapters on the host are connected to the switch

C. Virtual machine network adapters are faulty.

D. The ESXi host is connected to another VDS.

E. The ESXi host had VMkernel adapters assigned to the switch.

Correct Answer: B, D

Q4. Which sequence of steps must a vSphere operator take to create an NFS datastore for a host, a cluster, or a data center?

A.Right-click on an ESXi host, select Storage > New Datastore

B. From the actions drop-down menu, select NFS > New datastore

C. From the datastore tab, select NFS > New datastore

D. Select an ESXi host, click the Configure tab > Storage Devices

Correct Answer: A

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