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VMware 1V0-21.20 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Associate VMware Data Center Virtualization
Exam Code: 1V0-21.20
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Data Center Virtualization VCTA-DCV Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1V0-21.20 practice questions in our database:
Expected 1V0-21.20 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Indentify the purpose of monitoring alarms, tasks and events/ Identify how to create and manage VM snapshots
  • Module 2: Identify the use cases for Enhanced vMotion Compatibility/ Identify vSphere virtual networking components and types
  • Module 3: Identify how virtual resources can be shared across multiple virtual machines/ Identify the options that can be performed on different inventory objects
  • Module 4: Indentify the functionality of VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler/ Identify the types of OS that can run on virtual machines
  • Module 5: Given a vSphare environment, identify how to use performance charts to monitor the environment/ Indentify how to configure different types of datastores
  • Module 6: Identify how to perform and monitor vMotion, Storage vMotion, and Cold migrations/ Identify the characteristics of vSphere storage technologies
  • Module 7: Identify the considerations when provisioning a VM/ Identify ho physical resources are presented to multiple virtual machines


Exam Name: Associate VMware Data Center Virtualization
Exam Code: 1V0-21.20
Related Certification(s):

  • VMware Certified Technical Associate Certifications
  • VMware VCTA Data Center Virtualization VCTA-DCV Certifications
Certification Provider: VMware
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1V0-21.20 practice questions in our database:
Expected 1V0-21.20 Exam Topics, as suggested by VMware :

  • Module 1: Indentify the purpose of monitoring alarms, tasks and events/ Identify how to create and manage VM snapshots
  • Module 2: Identify the use cases for Enhanced vMotion Compatibility/ Identify vSphere virtual networking components and types
  • Module 3: Identify how virtual resources can be shared across multiple virtual machines/ Identify the options that can be performed on different inventory objects
  • Module 4: Indentify the functionality of VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler/ Identify the types of OS that can run on virtual machines
  • Module 5: Given a vSphare environment, identify how to use performance charts to monitor the environment/ Indentify how to configure different types of datastores
  • Module 6: Identify how to perform and monitor vMotion, Storage vMotion, and Cold migrations/ Identify the characteristics of vSphere storage technologies
  • Module 7: Identify the considerations when provisioning a VM/ Identify ho physical resources are presented to multiple virtual machines


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Q1. Which name identifies a VMkernel port in a virtual networking configuration?

A.VM Network

B. vmnic1

C. vmk1

D. vSwitch1

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which piece of information does vSphere DRS consider when making decisions about which host to place a virtual machine?

A.Network bandwidth on the host

B. Disk usage by the virtual machine

C. Storage bandwidth on the host

D. Network usage by the virtual machine

Correct Answer: A

Q3. An operator must deploy three virtual machines from a template named Win10-Template, and all three VMs must be configured with unique computer names. Which action must the operator take to achieve this goal?

A.Clone Win10-Template three times, and then change the computer name in each clone.

B. Export Win10-Template to the local filesystem, and then change the computer name.

C. Use a Windows 10 customization specification when deploying the virtual machines.

D. Create the virtual machines using the New virtual Machine wizard.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which sequence of steps must a vSphere operator take to create an NFS datastore for a host, a cluster, or a data center?

A.Right-click on an ESXi host, select Storage > New Datastore

B. From the actions drop-down menu, select NFS > New datastore

C. From the datastore tab, select NFS > New datastore

D. Select an ESXi host, click the Configure tab > Storage Devices

Correct Answer: A

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