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SAP C_BYD15_1908 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant
Exam Code: C_BYD15_1908
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_BYD15_1908 practice questions in our database:
Expected C_BYD15_1908 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: SAP Business ByDesign Supply Chain Management (BYD10e): In this topic, SAP Consultants will understand the basics of supply chain management and how these processes are tightly integrated with other ERP elements such as sales, purchasing, and financials. This knowledge is crucial for ensuring smooth operational flow and optimizing resources within the SAP Business ByDesign system.
  • Module 2: SAP Business ByDesign Financials (BYD10e): This topic introduces major concepts within the Financials area, with an emphasis on hands-on demonstrations within the system. SAP Consultants will gain the knowledge needed to effectively manage financial processes, including accounting, invoicing, and financial reporting.
  • Module 3: SAP Business ByDesign Customer Relationship Management (BYD10e): In this topic, SAP Consultants will explore customer engagement scenarios across marketing, sales, and service. They will also delve into invoicing and its seamless integration with project management, logistics, purchasing, and financials.
  • Module 4: SAP Business ByDesign – SAP Launch Methodology (BYD10e): Here, SAP Consultants will learn to implement the Business ByDesign system by applying the SAP Launch methodology. The topic covers scoping, fine-tuning, and data migration processes, providing consultants with the skills needed for successful system implementation.
  • Module 5: SAP Business ByDesign Project-Based Services (BYD10e): In this topic, SAP Consultants will focus on customer-facing and internal project-based services, learning how they integrate tightly with sales, invoicing, purchasing, and financials.


Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant
Exam Code: C_BYD15_1908
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_BYD15_1908 practice questions in our database:
Expected C_BYD15_1908 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: SAP Business ByDesign Supply Chain Management (BYD10e): In this topic, SAP Consultants will understand the basics of supply chain management and how these processes are tightly integrated with other ERP elements such as sales, purchasing, and financials. This knowledge is crucial for ensuring smooth operational flow and optimizing resources within the SAP Business ByDesign system.
  • Module 2: SAP Business ByDesign Financials (BYD10e): This topic introduces major concepts within the Financials area, with an emphasis on hands-on demonstrations within the system. SAP Consultants will gain the knowledge needed to effectively manage financial processes, including accounting, invoicing, and financial reporting.
  • Module 3: SAP Business ByDesign Customer Relationship Management (BYD10e): In this topic, SAP Consultants will explore customer engagement scenarios across marketing, sales, and service. They will also delve into invoicing and its seamless integration with project management, logistics, purchasing, and financials.
  • Module 4: SAP Business ByDesign – SAP Launch Methodology (BYD10e): Here, SAP Consultants will learn to implement the Business ByDesign system by applying the SAP Launch methodology. The topic covers scoping, fine-tuning, and data migration processes, providing consultants with the skills needed for successful system implementation.
  • Module 5: SAP Business ByDesign Project-Based Services (BYD10e): In this topic, SAP Consultants will focus on customer-facing and internal project-based services, learning how they integrate tightly with sales, invoicing, purchasing, and financials.


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Q1. In the business scenario "Intercompany Project Time and Expenses" you want a consultant from the selling company to record travel expenses. In the buying company, you have already created a purchase order (PO) for the consultant in project "P". The system automatically creates a sales order (SO) and an intercompany project "IP" in the selling company. To enable travel expense recordings for the consultant, what is your next step?

A.In the SO, create an item of type 'Expense - time and material (project)' that is linked to the intercompany project 'IP'.

B. In the PO, create a limit item that is account-assigned to the intercompany project 'IP'.

C. In the PO, create a limit item that is account-assigned to a task in project 'P'.

D. In the PO, create a service item with an expense product that is account-assigned to a task in project 'P'.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which activities are available in the over the counter sales process? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.Managing receivables

B. Creating quotes

C. Managing warehouse tasks

D. Outbound delivery

Correct Answer: A, D

Q3. In the business scenario "Intercompany Project Time and Expenses" you want a consultant from the selling company to record travel expenses. In the buying company, you have already created a purchase order (PO) for the consultant in project "P". The system automatically creates a sales order (SO) and an intercompany project "IP" in the selling company. To enable travel expense recordings for the consultant, what is your next step?

A.In the SO, create an item of type 'Expense - time and material (project)' that is linked to the intercompany project 'IP'.

B. In the PO, create a limit item that is account-assigned to the intercompany project 'IP'.

C. In the PO, create a limit item that is account-assigned to a task in project 'P'.

D. In the PO, create a service item with an expense product that is account-assigned to a task in project 'P'.

Correct Answer: D

Q4. An external consultant is ordered to work in a customer project He is staffed to a work package with service W. The purchase order contains service 0. The sales order linked to the task contains service S. Which one of the following services is the external consultant allowed to record in the time sheet?

A.The external consultant can record only the ordered service 0 .

B. The external consultant can record any of the services.

C. The external consultant can record only the work package service W.

D. The external consultant can record only the sold service S.

Correct Answer: C

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