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Salesforce Integration Architect Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Integration Architect
Exam Code: Integration Architect
Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Architect Certifications
  • Salesforce Integration Architect Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Integration Architect practice questions in our database: 106 (updated: Jan. 08, 2025)
Expected Integration Architect Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module1: Evaluate the Current System Landscape: This topic ensures Salesforce application managers can analyze a system’s current state to identify standards, limitations, boundaries, and protocols based on business requirements. It focuses on assessing constraints, identifying pain points, and aligning authentication and authorization needs with system landscapes to meet specific requirements.
  • Module 2: Evaluate Business Needs: This section equips Salesforce application managers to distinguish functional and non-functional requirements for integration use cases. It emphasizes classifying data as Confidential, Secure, or Public and considers CRM success, business growth, and regulatory factors essential for choosing integration solutions.
  • Module 3: Translate Needs to Integration Requirements: Salesforce application managers refine their ability to translate use cases into integration requirements. Sub-topics include creating system inventories, evaluating system constraints, identifying security and performance needs, and proposing integration solutions tailored to business requirements.
  • Module 4: Design Integration Solutions: This topic enhances the skills needed to design robust integration solutions. It involves selecting integration patterns, defining solution components, addressing trade-offs, and leveraging appropriate Salesforce APIs, security mechanisms, and standards to meet technical requirements.
  • Module 5: Build Solution: Salesforce application managers learn to design and implement APIs, build scalable solutions, and ensure error handling and resilience in integrations. It also covers considerations for outbound calls, creating security solutions, and maintaining system stability during updates.
  • Module 6: Maintain Integration: This section focuses on integration upkeep, teaching Salesforce application managers to monitor performance, handle errors, and implement escalation or recovery procedures. It also covers reporting needs for effective integration monitoring and system continuity.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Integration Architect
Exam Code: Integration Architect
Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Architect Certifications
  • Salesforce Integration Architect Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Integration Architect practice questions in our database: 106 (updated: Jan. 08, 2025)
Expected Integration Architect Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module1: Evaluate the Current System Landscape: This topic ensures Salesforce application managers can analyze a system’s current state to identify standards, limitations, boundaries, and protocols based on business requirements. It focuses on assessing constraints, identifying pain points, and aligning authentication and authorization needs with system landscapes to meet specific requirements.
  • Module 2: Evaluate Business Needs: This section equips Salesforce application managers to distinguish functional and non-functional requirements for integration use cases. It emphasizes classifying data as Confidential, Secure, or Public and considers CRM success, business growth, and regulatory factors essential for choosing integration solutions.
  • Module 3: Translate Needs to Integration Requirements: Salesforce application managers refine their ability to translate use cases into integration requirements. Sub-topics include creating system inventories, evaluating system constraints, identifying security and performance needs, and proposing integration solutions tailored to business requirements.
  • Module 4: Design Integration Solutions: This topic enhances the skills needed to design robust integration solutions. It involves selecting integration patterns, defining solution components, addressing trade-offs, and leveraging appropriate Salesforce APIs, security mechanisms, and standards to meet technical requirements.
  • Module 5: Build Solution: Salesforce application managers learn to design and implement APIs, build scalable solutions, and ensure error handling and resilience in integrations. It also covers considerations for outbound calls, creating security solutions, and maintaining system stability during updates.
  • Module 6: Maintain Integration: This section focuses on integration upkeep, teaching Salesforce application managers to monitor performance, handle errors, and implement escalation or recovery procedures. It also covers reporting needs for effective integration monitoring and system continuity.


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Q1. An enterprise customer that has more than 10 Million customers has the following systems and conditions in their landscape:

A.Enterprise Billing System (EBS) - All customer's monthly billing is generated by this system.

B. Enterprise Document Management System (DMS) Bills mailed to customers are maintained in the Document Management system.

C. Salesforce CRM (CRM)- Customer information, Sales and Support information is maintained in CRM.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q2. Northern Trail Outfitters needs to secure an integration with an external Microsoft Azure API Gateway. What integration security mechanism should be employed?

A.Configure mutual server authentication with two-way SSL using CA issued certificates.

B. Configure a connected app with an authorization endpoint of the API gateway and configure OAuth settings.

C. Use an API only user profile and implement use an external identity provider with federated API access.

D. Implement Salesforce Shield with Encryption at Rest and generate a tenant secret.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. A subscription-based media company's system landscape forces many subscribers to maintain multiple accounts and to login more than once. An Identity and Access Management (IAM) system, which supports SAML and OpenId, was recently implemented to improve their subscriber experience through self-registration and Single Sign-On (SSO). The IAM system must integrate with Salesforce to give new self-service customers instant access to Salesforce Community Cloud. Which two requirements should the Salesforce Community Cloud support for self-registration and SSO?

A.SAML SSO and Registration Handler

B. OpenId Connect Authentication Provider and Registration Handler

C. SAML SSO and just-in-time provisioning

D. OpenId Connect Authentication Provider and just-in-time provisioning

Correct Answer: B, C

Q4. An architect recommended using Apex code to make callouts to an external system to process insurance quote. What should the integration architect consider to make sure this is the right option for the integration?

A.The maximum callouts in a single Apex transaction.

B. The maximum number of parallel Apex callouts in a single continuation.

C. The limit on long-running requests (total execution time).

D. The limit of pending operations in the same transaction.

Correct Answer: D

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