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Linux Foundation CKAD Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer
Exam Code: CKAD
Related Certification(s): Linux Foundation Kubernetes Application Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Linux Foundation
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CKAD practice questions in our database:
Expected CKAD Exam Topics, as suggested by Linux Foundation :

  • Module 1: Application Design and Build: This topic covers defining, building, and modifying container images, choosing and utilizing workload resources like Deployments and DaemonSets, understanding multi-container Pod design patterns, and utilizing persistent and ephemeral volumes within Kubernetes.
  • Module 2: Application Deployment: It gives you information on implementing common deployment strategies, understanding Deployments and rolling updates, and using Helm for deploying existing packages.
  • Module 3: Application Observability and Maintenance: Here, you’ll cover sub-topics related to API deprecations, implementing probes and health checks for applications. Moreover, the topic discusses monitoring Kubernetes applications by using built-in CLI tools, utilizing container logs, and performing debugging tasks within a Kubernetes environment.
  • Module 4: Application Environment, Configuration, and Security: This topic covers discovering and using Kubernetes resources like Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) and Operators, understanding authentication, authorization, and admission control mechanisms. It also focuses on requests, limits, and quotas. Lastly, the topic covers ConfigMaps and Secrets, application security and ServiceAccounts.
  • Module 5: Services and Networking: In this topic, you’ll explore NetworkPolicies, troubleshooting access to applications via Kubernetes services, and using Ingress rules to expose applications externally.


Exam Name: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer
Exam Code: CKAD
Related Certification(s): Linux Foundation Kubernetes Application Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Linux Foundation
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CKAD practice questions in our database:
Expected CKAD Exam Topics, as suggested by Linux Foundation :

  • Module 1: Application Design and Build: This topic covers defining, building, and modifying container images, choosing and utilizing workload resources like Deployments and DaemonSets, understanding multi-container Pod design patterns, and utilizing persistent and ephemeral volumes within Kubernetes.
  • Module 2: Application Deployment: It gives you information on implementing common deployment strategies, understanding Deployments and rolling updates, and using Helm for deploying existing packages.
  • Module 3: Application Observability and Maintenance: Here, you’ll cover sub-topics related to API deprecations, implementing probes and health checks for applications. Moreover, the topic discusses monitoring Kubernetes applications by using built-in CLI tools, utilizing container logs, and performing debugging tasks within a Kubernetes environment.
  • Module 4: Application Environment, Configuration, and Security: This topic covers discovering and using Kubernetes resources like Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) and Operators, understanding authentication, authorization, and admission control mechanisms. It also focuses on requests, limits, and quotas. Lastly, the topic covers ConfigMaps and Secrets, application security and ServiceAccounts.
  • Module 5: Services and Networking: In this topic, you’ll explore NetworkPolicies, troubleshooting access to applications via Kubernetes services, and using Ingress rules to expose applications externally.


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Q1. Which of the following is true about multi-container Pod design patterns in Kubernetes?

A.A Pod can only contain a single container.

B. Multi-container Pods allow containers to share networking and storage.

C. Each container in a Pod has its own separate IP address.

D. Kubernetes does not support multi-container Pods.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. What is the primary benefit of using rolling updates in Kubernetes?

A.It immediately replaces all running instances of an application.

B. It ensures zero downtime by gradually updating Pods.

C. It deletes the current version before starting a new one.

D. It does not support version rollback.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which Kubernetes feature is used to check the health of an application inside a container?

A.Helm Charts

B. Network Policies

C. Liveness and Readiness Probes

D. Persistent Volumes

Correct Answer: C

Q4. In Kubernetes, which of the following is NOT a method of authentication?

A.Static Token Files

B. Basic Authentication

C. API Keys

D. ConfigMaps

Correct Answer: D

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