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Juniper JN0-683 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Data Center Professional
Exam Code: JN0-683
Related Certification(s): Juniper Data Center Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-683 practice questions in our database: 65 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)

Expected JN0-683 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Data Center Deployment and Management: This section assesses the expertise of data center networking professionals like architects and engineers, focusing on key deployment concepts. Topics include Zero-touch provisioning (ZTP), which automates device setup in data centers without manual input.
  • Module 2: Layer 3 Fabrics: This section measures the knowledge of professionals managing IP-based networks in data centers. It covers IP fabric architecture and routing, ensuring candidates understand how the network is structured for scalability and how traffic is routed efficiently.
  • Module 3: VXLAN: This part requires knowledge of VXLAN, particularly how the control plane manages communication between devices, while the data plane handles traffic flow. Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, Monitor, or Troubleshoot VXLAN.
  • Module 4: EVPN-VXLAN Signaling: This section assesses an understanding of Ethernet VPN (EVPN) concepts, including route types, multicast handling, and Multiprotocol BGP (MBGP). It also covers EVPN architectures like CRB and ERB, MAC learning, and symmetric routing.
  • Module 5: Data Center Interconnect: For Data Center Engineers, this part focuses on interconnecting data centers, covering Layer 2 and Layer 3 stretching, stitching fabrics together, and using EVPN-signaled VXLAN for seamless communication between data centers.
  • Module 6: Data Center Multitenancy and Security: This section tests knowledge of single-tenant and multitenant data center setups. Candidates such as Data Center Professionals are evaluated on ensuring tenant traffic isolation at both Layer 2 and Layer 3 levels in shared infrastructure environments.


Exam Name: Data Center Professional
Exam Code: JN0-683
Related Certification(s): Juniper Data Center Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-683 practice questions in our database: 65 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)

Expected JN0-683 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Data Center Deployment and Management: This section assesses the expertise of data center networking professionals like architects and engineers, focusing on key deployment concepts. Topics include Zero-touch provisioning (ZTP), which automates device setup in data centers without manual input.
  • Module 2: Layer 3 Fabrics: This section measures the knowledge of professionals managing IP-based networks in data centers. It covers IP fabric architecture and routing, ensuring candidates understand how the network is structured for scalability and how traffic is routed efficiently.
  • Module 3: VXLAN: This part requires knowledge of VXLAN, particularly how the control plane manages communication between devices, while the data plane handles traffic flow. Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, Monitor, or Troubleshoot VXLAN.
  • Module 4: EVPN-VXLAN Signaling: This section assesses an understanding of Ethernet VPN (EVPN) concepts, including route types, multicast handling, and Multiprotocol BGP (MBGP). It also covers EVPN architectures like CRB and ERB, MAC learning, and symmetric routing.
  • Module 5: Data Center Interconnect: For Data Center Engineers, this part focuses on interconnecting data centers, covering Layer 2 and Layer 3 stretching, stitching fabrics together, and using EVPN-signaled VXLAN for seamless communication between data centers.
  • Module 6: Data Center Multitenancy and Security: This section tests knowledge of single-tenant and multitenant data center setups. Candidates such as Data Center Professionals are evaluated on ensuring tenant traffic isolation at both Layer 2 and Layer 3 levels in shared infrastructure environments.


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Q1. Which parameter is used to associate a received route with a local VPN route table?

A.route-target community



D. route-distinguisher

Correct Answer: A

Q2. You are deploying a new network lo support your Al workloads on devices that support at least 400 Gbps Ethernet. There is no requirement for any Layer 2 VLANs in this network. Which network architecture would satisfy this requirement?

A.an IP fabric using PIM-SM to signal VXLAN overlay

B. an IP fabric using the EVPN-MPLS architecture

C. an IP fabric with an EVPN-VXLAN architecture

D. an IP fabric using EBGP

Correct Answer: D

Q3. You are deploying a new network lo support your Al workloads on devices that support at least 400 Gbps Ethernet. There is no requirement for any Layer 2 VLANs in this network. Which network architecture would satisfy this requirement?

A.an IP fabric using PIM-SM to signal VXLAN overlay

B. an IP fabric using the EVPN-MPLS architecture

C. an IP fabric with an EVPN-VXLAN architecture

D. an IP fabric using EBGP

Correct Answer: D

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