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Juniper JN0-636 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Juniper Security, Professional
Exam Code: JN0-636 JNCIP-SEC
Related Certification(s): Juniper Junos Security Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-636 practice questions in our database: 115 (updated: 29-07-2024)
Expected JN0-636 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Firewall Filters: It covers the concepts, operation, or functionality of firewall filters.
  • Module 2: Troubleshooting Security Policy and Zones: This topic focuses on troubleshooting or monitoring security policies or security zones.
  • Module 3: Advanced Threat Protection: The topic delves into configuring or monitoring Juniper Advanced Threat Prevention.
  • Module 4: Edge Security: This topic is all about the concepts, operation, or functionality of edge security features.
  • Module 5: Compliance: It describes the concepts or operation of security compliance.
  • Module 6: Threat Mitigation: The topic the concepts, operation, or functionality of threat mitigation. Moreover, it discusses the configuration of threat mitigation.
  • Module 7: Logical and Tenant Systems: Concepts, operation, or functionality of the logical systems is discusses in this topic.
  • Module 8: Layer 2 Security: It deals with concepts, operation, or functionality of Layer 2 security.
  • Module 9: Advanced Network Address Translation (NAT): The topic focuses on troubleshooting or monitoring advanced NAT scenarios.
  • Module 10: Advanced IPsec: It covers configuring, troubleshooting, or monitoring advanced IPsec functionality.


Exam Name: Juniper Security, Professional
Exam Code: JN0-636 JNCIP-SEC
Related Certification(s): Juniper Junos Security Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-636 practice questions in our database: 115 (updated: 29-07-2024)
Expected JN0-636 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Firewall Filters: It covers the concepts, operation, or functionality of firewall filters.
  • Module 2: Troubleshooting Security Policy and Zones: This topic focuses on troubleshooting or monitoring security policies or security zones.
  • Module 3: Advanced Threat Protection: The topic delves into configuring or monitoring Juniper Advanced Threat Prevention.
  • Module 4: Edge Security: This topic is all about the concepts, operation, or functionality of edge security features.
  • Module 5: Compliance: It describes the concepts or operation of security compliance.
  • Module 6: Threat Mitigation: The topic the concepts, operation, or functionality of threat mitigation. Moreover, it discusses the configuration of threat mitigation.
  • Module 7: Logical and Tenant Systems: Concepts, operation, or functionality of the logical systems is discusses in this topic.
  • Module 8: Layer 2 Security: It deals with concepts, operation, or functionality of Layer 2 security.
  • Module 9: Advanced Network Address Translation (NAT): The topic focuses on troubleshooting or monitoring advanced NAT scenarios.
  • Module 10: Advanced IPsec: It covers configuring, troubleshooting, or monitoring advanced IPsec functionality.


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Q1. You are required to secure a network against malware. You must ensure that in the event that a compromised host is identified within the network. In this scenario after a threat has been identified, which two components are responsible for enforcing MAC-level infected host ?

A.SRX Series device

B. Juniper ATP Appliance

C. Policy Enforcer

D. EX Series device

Correct Answer: C, D

Q2. Exhibit: Referring to the exhibit, your company's infrastructure team implemented new printers To make sure that the policy enforcer pushes the updated Ip address list to the SRX. Which three actions are required to complete the requirement? (Choose three )

A.Configure the server feed URL as

B. Create a security policy that uses the dynamic address feed to allow access

C. Configure Security Director to create a dynamic address feed

D. Configure Security Director to create a C&C feed.

E. Configure server feed URL as

Correct Answer: A, B, C

Q3. you must create a secure fabric in your company's network In this Scenario, Which three statements are correct? (Choose Three)

A.MX Series device associated with tenants can belong to only one site

B. A switch must be assigned to the site to enforce an infected host policy within the network

C. SRX Series devices can belong to multiple sites

D. SRX Series devices can belong to only one site

E. Switches and connectors cannot be added to the same site

Correct Answer: B, D, E

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