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Juniper JN0-451 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Mist AI, Specialist
Exam Code: JN0-451 JNCIS-MistAI
Related Certification(s): Juniper Mist AI Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-451 practice questions in our database: 79 (updated: 02-01-2025)
Expected JN0-451 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Account organization and subscriptions/ Juniper Mist WLAN Architecture and Deployment
  • Module 2: Identify the concepts of the Juniper Mist Cloud architecture/ Configuration objects/ Organization objects/ RESTful API concepts
  • Module 3: Service-level expectations (SLE) for Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance/ Radio resource management (RRM)
  • Module 4: Identify the components of Juniper Mist network operations/ Juniper Mist Network Operations
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of wireless configuration or troubleshooting/ SLE troubleshooting/ SLE configuration
  • Module 6: Virtual Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)/ Juniper Location Services, driven by Mist AI
  • Module 7: Identify the concepts or methods of location-based services (LBS)/ Proximity tracing, Asset visibility, Wi-Fi location
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of using the Marvis Virtual Network Assistant/ Proactive troubleshooting
  • Module 9: Identify the concepts and functionality of Marvis Virtual Network Assistant/ Reactive troubleshooting
  • Module 10: Wireless intrusion detection and prevention/ Identify the concepts or functionality of WLANs
  • Module 11: Network arbitration and contention/ Identify the concepts or functionality of basic Wi-Fi technologies
  • Module 12: Demonstrate knowledge of Juniper Mist configuration/ Demonstrate knowledge of WLAN configuration or troubleshooting


Exam Name: Mist AI, Specialist
Exam Code: JN0-451 JNCIS-MistAI
Related Certification(s): Juniper Mist AI Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-451 practice questions in our database: 79 (updated: 02-01-2025)
Expected JN0-451 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Account organization and subscriptions/ Juniper Mist WLAN Architecture and Deployment
  • Module 2: Identify the concepts of the Juniper Mist Cloud architecture/ Configuration objects/ Organization objects/ RESTful API concepts
  • Module 3: Service-level expectations (SLE) for Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance/ Radio resource management (RRM)
  • Module 4: Identify the components of Juniper Mist network operations/ Juniper Mist Network Operations
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of wireless configuration or troubleshooting/ SLE troubleshooting/ SLE configuration
  • Module 6: Virtual Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)/ Juniper Location Services, driven by Mist AI
  • Module 7: Identify the concepts or methods of location-based services (LBS)/ Proximity tracing, Asset visibility, Wi-Fi location
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of using the Marvis Virtual Network Assistant/ Proactive troubleshooting
  • Module 9: Identify the concepts and functionality of Marvis Virtual Network Assistant/ Reactive troubleshooting
  • Module 10: Wireless intrusion detection and prevention/ Identify the concepts or functionality of WLANs
  • Module 11: Network arbitration and contention/ Identify the concepts or functionality of basic Wi-Fi technologies
  • Module 12: Demonstrate knowledge of Juniper Mist configuration/ Demonstrate knowledge of WLAN configuration or troubleshooting


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Q1. You are deploying three WLAN 2.4 GHz networks in your US-based site. You must ensure that each network frequency is unique and does not overlap with the other frequency channels. In this scenario, which three OFDM channels should be used? (Choose three.)


B. 1

C. 3

D. 6

E. 13

Correct Answer: A, B, D

Q2. Which two SLEs measure the amount of time that it takes for a process to complete? (Choose two.)


B. AP uptime

C. throughput

D. time to connect

Correct Answer: A, D

Q3. You have deployed location services at a site and have installed an application which includes the Mist SDK on Bluetooth-only mobile client devices. The devices with the SDK-enabled app have Bluetooth enabled, but the devices do not appear in the Mist GUI under Clients/App Clients. What is causing this problem?

A.There is BLE and Wi-Fi co-channel interference.

B. The clients are connected to the wrong WLAN.

C. The AP BLE radios do not hear the SDK-enabled client's BLE beacons.

D. The client devices are not connected to Wi-Fi or to a cellular data plan.

Correct Answer: C

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