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Juniper JN0-252 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Mist AI, Associate
Exam Code: JN0-252
Related Certification(s): Juniper Mist AI Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-252 practice questions in our database: 
Expected JN0-252 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Juniper Mist Cloud Fundamentals: This section covers AI concepts, machine learning, benefits of cloud-based management, Juniper Mist cloud capabilities, and use cases.
  • Module 2: Juniper Mist Configuration Basics: In this section, the exam covers user account creation and management. It also covers account role capabilities, authentication methods, initial configurations (factory defaults, device claiming, organization/site management), template usage, labels and policies, advanced configurations (subscriptions, certificates, auto-provisioning), etc.
  • Module 3: Juniper Mist Network Operations and Management: In this section, the focus is on Wi-Fi Assurance benefits and features, Wired Assurance benefits and features, WAN Assurance benefits and features, etc.
  • Module 4: Juniper Mist Monitoring and Analytics: In this section, the focus is on SLEs, Packet captures, Juniper Mist insights, Alerts, and Audit logs.
  • Module 5: Marvis™ Virtual Network Assistant AI: In this section, the focus is on Marvis actions (org-level, site-level), and Marvis queries.
  • Module 6: Location-based services: This section covers Juniper Mist vBLE concepts (asset visibility, vBLE engagement).
  • Module 7: Juniper Mist Cloud Operations: In this final section, the focus is on API types (RESTful, Websocket, Webhook), and support options (tickets, update information, documentation).


Exam Name: Mist AI, Associate
Exam Code: JN0-252
Related Certification(s): Juniper Mist AI Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-252 practice questions in our database: 
Expected JN0-252 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Juniper Mist Cloud Fundamentals: This section covers AI concepts, machine learning, benefits of cloud-based management, Juniper Mist cloud capabilities, and use cases.
  • Module 2: Juniper Mist Configuration Basics: In this section, the exam covers user account creation and management. It also covers account role capabilities, authentication methods, initial configurations (factory defaults, device claiming, organization/site management), template usage, labels and policies, advanced configurations (subscriptions, certificates, auto-provisioning), etc.
  • Module 3: Juniper Mist Network Operations and Management: In this section, the focus is on Wi-Fi Assurance benefits and features, Wired Assurance benefits and features, WAN Assurance benefits and features, etc.
  • Module 4: Juniper Mist Monitoring and Analytics: In this section, the focus is on SLEs, Packet captures, Juniper Mist insights, Alerts, and Audit logs.
  • Module 5: Marvis™ Virtual Network Assistant AI: In this section, the focus is on Marvis actions (org-level, site-level), and Marvis queries.
  • Module 6: Location-based services: This section covers Juniper Mist vBLE concepts (asset visibility, vBLE engagement).
  • Module 7: Juniper Mist Cloud Operations: In this final section, the focus is on API types (RESTful, Websocket, Webhook), and support options (tickets, update information, documentation).


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Q1. Which Mist API Is event driven?


B. Webhook

C. Python

D. RESTful

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Under Man/Is Actions, what is required for Marvis to provide a visualization of low coverage and low-capacity issues within the network?

A.a WAN edge device

B. a cloud-ready switch

C. a floor plan

D. a Premium Analytics subscription

Correct Answer: C

Q3. What is the maximum number of nodes supported in a Mist Edge high availability cluster?

A.three nodes

B. ten nodes

C. unlimited nodes

D. two nodes

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which two statements correctly describe Mist single sign-on (SSO)? (Choose two.)

A.Guest user access can use SSO.

B. Mist administrative logins can use SSO.

C. Mist administrative logins cannot use SSO.

D. Guest user access cannot use SSO.

Correct Answer: B, D

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