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Juniper JN0-251 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Mist AI, Associate Exam
Exam Code: JN0-251 JNCIA-MistAI
Related Certification(s): Juniper Mist AI Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-251 practice questions in our database: 77 (updated: 29-05-2024)
Expected JN0-251 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Juniper Mist Configuration Basics/ Benefits of using cloud-based management
  • Module 2: Factory default configurations and network connection prerequisites/ Juniper Mist capabilities and use cases
  • Module 3: Benefits and features of Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance/ Benefits and features of Juniper Mist WAN Assurance
  • Module 4: Identify the concepts or functionality of Mist AI accounts/ Juniper Mist Cloud Fundamentals
  • Module 5: Juniper Location Services, driven by Mist AI/ Identify the options of the Juniper Mist help menu
  • Module 6: Creation and management of user accounts/ Juniper Mist cloud user/account authentication methods
  • Module 7: Capabilities of different account roles/ Identify the concepts or functionality of Mist AI advanced configurations
  • Module 8: Juniper Mist Network Operations and Management/ Creation and management of Juniper Mist organizations and sites
  • Module 9: Identify the concepts or components of location-based services (LBS)/ Identify the concepts or components of Juniper Mist APIs
  • Module 10: Benefits and features of Juniper Mist Wired Assurance/ Identify the concepts or functionality of Mist AI initial configurations
  • Module 11: Juniper Mist Monitoring and Analytics/ Identify fundamental concepts about the Juniper Mist cloud-native architecture
  • Module 12: Service-level expectations (SLEs)/ Identify concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist wired network management and operations features
  • Module 13: Identify concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist wireless network management and operations features/ Claiming and onboarding devices


Exam Name: Mist AI, Associate Exam
Exam Code: JN0-251 JNCIA-MistAI
Related Certification(s): Juniper Mist AI Certification
Certification Provider: Juniper
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of JN0-251 practice questions in our database: 77 (updated: 29-05-2024)
Expected JN0-251 Exam Topics, as suggested by Juniper :

  • Module 1: Juniper Mist Configuration Basics/ Benefits of using cloud-based management
  • Module 2: Factory default configurations and network connection prerequisites/ Juniper Mist capabilities and use cases
  • Module 3: Benefits and features of Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance/ Benefits and features of Juniper Mist WAN Assurance
  • Module 4: Identify the concepts or functionality of Mist AI accounts/ Juniper Mist Cloud Fundamentals
  • Module 5: Juniper Location Services, driven by Mist AI/ Identify the options of the Juniper Mist help menu
  • Module 6: Creation and management of user accounts/ Juniper Mist cloud user/account authentication methods
  • Module 7: Capabilities of different account roles/ Identify the concepts or functionality of Mist AI advanced configurations
  • Module 8: Juniper Mist Network Operations and Management/ Creation and management of Juniper Mist organizations and sites
  • Module 9: Identify the concepts or components of location-based services (LBS)/ Identify the concepts or components of Juniper Mist APIs
  • Module 10: Benefits and features of Juniper Mist Wired Assurance/ Identify the concepts or functionality of Mist AI initial configurations
  • Module 11: Juniper Mist Monitoring and Analytics/ Identify fundamental concepts about the Juniper Mist cloud-native architecture
  • Module 12: Service-level expectations (SLEs)/ Identify concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist wired network management and operations features
  • Module 13: Identify concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist wireless network management and operations features/ Claiming and onboarding devices


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Q1. You are troubleshooting a signal strength issue when you notice that the signal strength changes from -70 to -73 dBm as you move from one room to another. In this scenario, what is happening?

A.Signal strength has increased by 10x.

B. Signal strength has decreased by 10x.

C. Signal strength has doubled.

D. Signal strength has halved.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Under ideal conditions, which frequency band will have the farthest usable range?

A.900 MHz

B. 2.4 GHz

C. 5 GHz

D. 6 GHz

Correct Answer: A

Q3. You are troubleshooting a signal strength issue when you notice that the signal strength changes from -70 to -73 dBm as you move from one room to another. In this scenario, what is happening?

A.Signal strength has increased by 10x.

B. Signal strength has decreased by 10x.

C. Signal strength has doubled.

D. Signal strength has halved.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. When would be the earliest opportunity to configure an access point (AP)?

A.after you are on the same network as the AP

B. after the AP is installed

C. after the AP is online

D. after the AP is claimed to inventory

Correct Answer: D

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