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Isaca CDPSE Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer
Exam Code: CDPSE
Related Certification(s): Isaca Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Isaca
Number of CDPSE practice questions in our database: 218 (updated: Jan. 10, 2025)
Expected CDPSE Exam Topics, as suggested by Isaca :

  • Module 1: Identify issues requiring remediation and opportunities for process improvement/ Participate in the development of procedures that align with privacy policies and business needs
  • Module 2: Implement procedures related to privacy architecture that align with privacy policies/ Implement procedures that align with privacy policies
  • Module 3: Design, implement, and/or monitor processes and procedures to keep the inventory and dataflow records current/ Participate in the privacy incident management process
  • Module 4: Report on the status and outcomes of privacy programs and practices to relevant stakeholders/ Implement procedures related to data lifecycle that align with privacy policies
  • Module 5: Implement procedures related to data lifecycle that align with privacy policies/ Coordinate and/or perform privacy impact assessments (PIA) and other privacy-focused assessments
  • Module 6: Participate in the development of data lifecycle procedures that align with privacy policies and business needs/ Develop and/or implement a prioritization process for privacy practices
  • Module 7: Evaluate advancements in privacy-enhancing technologies and changes in the regulatory landscape/ Identify, validate, and/or implement appropriate privacy and security controls according to data classification procedures
  • Module 8: Participate in the management and evaluation of contracts, service levels, and practices of vendors and other external parties/ Privacy Architecture (Infrastructure, Applications/Software and Technical Privacy Controls)
  • Module 9: Identify the internal and external privacy requirements relating to the organization’s data lifecycle practices/ Participate in privacy training and promote awareness of privacy practices
  • Module 10: Identify, validate, and/or implement appropriate privacy and security controls according to data classification procedures/ Participate in the development of privacy control procedures that align with privacy policies and business needs


Exam Name: Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer
Exam Code: CDPSE
Related Certification(s): Isaca Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Isaca
Number of CDPSE practice questions in our database: 218 (updated: Jan. 10, 2025)
Expected CDPSE Exam Topics, as suggested by Isaca :

  • Module 1: Identify issues requiring remediation and opportunities for process improvement/ Participate in the development of procedures that align with privacy policies and business needs
  • Module 2: Implement procedures related to privacy architecture that align with privacy policies/ Implement procedures that align with privacy policies
  • Module 3: Design, implement, and/or monitor processes and procedures to keep the inventory and dataflow records current/ Participate in the privacy incident management process
  • Module 4: Report on the status and outcomes of privacy programs and practices to relevant stakeholders/ Implement procedures related to data lifecycle that align with privacy policies
  • Module 5: Implement procedures related to data lifecycle that align with privacy policies/ Coordinate and/or perform privacy impact assessments (PIA) and other privacy-focused assessments
  • Module 6: Participate in the development of data lifecycle procedures that align with privacy policies and business needs/ Develop and/or implement a prioritization process for privacy practices
  • Module 7: Evaluate advancements in privacy-enhancing technologies and changes in the regulatory landscape/ Identify, validate, and/or implement appropriate privacy and security controls according to data classification procedures
  • Module 8: Participate in the management and evaluation of contracts, service levels, and practices of vendors and other external parties/ Privacy Architecture (Infrastructure, Applications/Software and Technical Privacy Controls)
  • Module 9: Identify the internal and external privacy requirements relating to the organization’s data lifecycle practices/ Participate in privacy training and promote awareness of privacy practices
  • Module 10: Identify, validate, and/or implement appropriate privacy and security controls according to data classification procedures/ Participate in the development of privacy control procedures that align with privacy policies and business needs


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Q1. Which of the following principles is MOST important to apply when granting access to an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that contains a significant amount of personal data?

A.Read-only access

B. Least privilege

C. Segregation of duties

D. Data minimization

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Which of the following is the BEST way to ensure that application hardening is included throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC)?

A.Require an annual internal audit of SDLC processes.

B. Include qualified application security personnel as part of the process.

C. Ensure comprehensive application security testing immediately prior to release.

D. Require an annual third-party audit of new client software solutions.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A data processor that handles personal data tor multiple customers has decided to migrate its data warehouse to a third-party provider. What is the processor obligated to do prior to implementation?

A.Seek approval from all in-scope data controllers.

B. Obtain assurance that data subject requests will continue to be handled appropriately

C. Implement comparable industry-standard data encryption in the new data warehouse

D. Ensure data retention periods are documented

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which of the following BEST illustrates privacy by design in the development of a consumer mobile application?

A.The application only stores data locally.

B. The application shares personal information upon request.

C. The application only stores data for 24 hours.

D. The application requires consent before sharing locations.

Correct Answer: D

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