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Google Looker-Business-Analyst Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Looker Business Analyst
Exam Code: Looker-Business-Analyst
Related Certification(s):

  • Google Cloud Certified Certifications
  • Google Looker Certifications
Certification Provider: Google
Number of Looker-Business-Analyst practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: 06-08-2022)
Expected Looker-Business-Analyst Exam Topics, as suggested by Google :

  • Module 1: Determine which fields to use merge results for joining across different Explores and data sources/ Investigate data results to determine accuracy
  • Module 2: Determine additional metrics needed and construct custom metrics using table calculations/ Build dashboards to meet business requirements
  • Module 3: Use Looker Explores to query data and create actionable metrics in a given scenario/ Apply procedural concepts to identify error sources Utilize Looker’s features to determine the cause of the error/ Utilize requirements and create queries using fields
  • Module 4: Assign folders and boards permissions to organize content based on user groups/ Use Looker to validate data accuracy in a given scenario
  • Module 5: Determine how to utilize filters/ Construct dashboards to meet requirements/ Interpret error message to identify the source
  • Module 6: Determine appropriate report delivery methods/ Use visualization types to meet analysis requirements in a given scenario
  • Module 7: Utilize appropriate Explores based on audience to prevent data leak/ Investigate discrepancies by viewing row-level data using Explores
  • Module 8: Determine which visualization settings to use/ Select appropriate visualizations to illustrate data results
  • Module 9: Apply procedural concepts to design impactful dashboards/ Apply procedural concepts to curate content for intuitive navigation
  • Module 10: Determine appropriate setups for folders and boards/ Apply procedural concepts to control content access for security


Exam Name: Looker Business Analyst
Exam Code: Looker-Business-Analyst
Related Certification(s):

  • Google Cloud Certified Certifications
  • Google Looker Certifications
Certification Provider: Google
Number of Looker-Business-Analyst practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: 06-08-2022)
Expected Looker-Business-Analyst Exam Topics, as suggested by Google :

  • Module 1: Determine which fields to use merge results for joining across different Explores and data sources/ Investigate data results to determine accuracy
  • Module 2: Determine additional metrics needed and construct custom metrics using table calculations/ Build dashboards to meet business requirements
  • Module 3: Use Looker Explores to query data and create actionable metrics in a given scenario/ Apply procedural concepts to identify error sources Utilize Looker’s features to determine the cause of the error/ Utilize requirements and create queries using fields
  • Module 4: Assign folders and boards permissions to organize content based on user groups/ Use Looker to validate data accuracy in a given scenario
  • Module 5: Determine how to utilize filters/ Construct dashboards to meet requirements/ Interpret error message to identify the source
  • Module 6: Determine appropriate report delivery methods/ Use visualization types to meet analysis requirements in a given scenario
  • Module 7: Utilize appropriate Explores based on audience to prevent data leak/ Investigate discrepancies by viewing row-level data using Explores
  • Module 8: Determine which visualization settings to use/ Select appropriate visualizations to illustrate data results
  • Module 9: Apply procedural concepts to design impactful dashboards/ Apply procedural concepts to curate content for intuitive navigation
  • Module 10: Determine appropriate setups for folders and boards/ Apply procedural concepts to control content access for security


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Q1. An analyst pins a dashboard from a personal folder to the team board. Other colleagues report that they cannot access the dashboard. There are a few dashboards in the personal folder that are not ready to share yet. What should the analyst do to enable the team's access?

A.Give all users view access to the personal folder.

B. Move the dashboard to a shared folder and provide access only to the users from the team.

C. Give view access to the individual dashboards.

D. Create a subfolder in the personal folder and given view access to the users from the team.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A company has an operational dashboard that needs to display the latest data every 5 minutes on a monitor. How should the analyst configure the dashboard?

A.Set the dashboard schedule to run every 5 minutes.

B. Set the dashboard auto refresh to 5 minutes.

C. Set the dashboard to run on load every 5 minutes.

D. Set the dashboard schedule to 5 minutes and ''send if the results have changed''.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Users find it difficult to distinguish the dashboards they need for tracking sales performance. There are more than 30 operation-related dashboards in the same folder. What should the analyst do to improve the navigation experience?

A.Pin the dashboards into boards and grant user access to the individual dashboards.

B. Add descriptions to the dashboards to give more details.

C. Sort the dashboards in the folder by name.

D. Show the dashboards in a grid style for displaying the snapshot.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A global dashboard filter and the filter on a tile within that dashboard conflict because the global dashboard filter and the individual tile filter are based on the same field with different filter values. What happens in this situation?

A.The filter values of both filters will combine in an additive manner and both filters will apply.

B. The individual tile's filter will override the global dashboard filter.

C. The global dashboard filter will override the individual tile filter.

D. The dashboard will break and warn the user that there are conflicting filter values

Correct Answer: C

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