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Google Associate-Android-Developer Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Associate Android Developer
Exam Code: Associate-Android-Developer
Related Certification(s): Google Developers Certification
Certification Provider: Google
Number of Associate-Android-Developer practice questions in our database: 128 (updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected Associate-Android-Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Google :

  • Module 1: Understand the basic debugging techniques available in Android Studio/ Know how to build and run an Android app
  • Module 2: Understand how to use a Repository to mediate data operations/ Be able to create persistent Preference data from user input
  • Module 3: Display simple messages in a popup using a Toast or a Snackbar/ Be able to use the System Log to output debug information
  • Module 4: Be able to bind local data to a RecyclerView list using the Paging library/ Understand the architecture of the Android system
  • Module 5: Understand the Android activity lifecycle/ Understand how to create a custom View class and add it to a Layout
  • Module 6: Understand how to use breakpoints in Android Studio/ Understand how to implement drawer navigation
  • Module 7: Understand how to localize an app/ Understand how to display items in a Recycler View
  • Module 8: Understand how to define data using Room entities/ Be able to schedule a background task using WorkManager
  • Module 9: Be able to read and parse raw resources or asset files/ Be able to access Room database with data access object (DAO)
  • Module 10: Know how to apply content descriptions to views for accessibility/ Be able to describe the basic building blocks of an Android app


Exam Name: Associate Android Developer
Exam Code: Associate-Android-Developer
Related Certification(s): Google Developers Certification
Certification Provider: Google
Number of Associate-Android-Developer practice questions in our database: 128 (updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected Associate-Android-Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Google :

  • Module 1: Understand the basic debugging techniques available in Android Studio/ Know how to build and run an Android app
  • Module 2: Understand how to use a Repository to mediate data operations/ Be able to create persistent Preference data from user input
  • Module 3: Display simple messages in a popup using a Toast or a Snackbar/ Be able to use the System Log to output debug information
  • Module 4: Be able to bind local data to a RecyclerView list using the Paging library/ Understand the architecture of the Android system
  • Module 5: Understand the Android activity lifecycle/ Understand how to create a custom View class and add it to a Layout
  • Module 6: Understand how to use breakpoints in Android Studio/ Understand how to implement drawer navigation
  • Module 7: Understand how to localize an app/ Understand how to display items in a Recycler View
  • Module 8: Understand how to define data using Room entities/ Be able to schedule a background task using WorkManager
  • Module 9: Be able to read and parse raw resources or asset files/ Be able to access Room database with data access object (DAO)
  • Module 10: Know how to apply content descriptions to views for accessibility/ Be able to describe the basic building blocks of an Android app


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Q1. Working with Custom View. Once you define the custom attributes, you can use them in layout XML files just like built-in attributes. The only difference is that your custom attributes belong to a different namespace. Instead of belonging to the http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android namespace, they belong to:

A.http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/[your package name]

B. http://schemas.android.com/apk/[your package name]

C. http://schemas.android.com/[your package name]

Correct Answer: A

Q2. In application theme style, value statusBarColor () means:

A.Color of text (usually same as colorForeground).

B. Shows a thin line of the specified color between the navigation bar and the app content. For this to take effect, the window must be drawing the system bar backgrounds with R.attr.windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds and the navigation bar must not have been requested to be translucent with R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation. Corresponds to Window.setNavigationBarDividerColor(int).

C. The color for the status bar. If the color is not opaque, consider setting View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE and View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN. For this to take effect, the window must be drawing the system bar backgrounds with R.attr.windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds and the status bar must not have been requested to be translucent with R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus. Corresponds to Window.setStatusBarColor(int).

D. The color for the navigation bar. If the color is not opaque, consider setting View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE and View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION. For this to take effect, the window must be drawing the system bar backgrounds with R.attr.windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds and the navigation bar must not have been requested to be translucent with R.attr.windowTranslucentNavigation. Corresponds to Window.setNavigationBarColor(int).

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Working with Custom View. Once you define the custom attributes, you can use them in layout XML files just like built-in attributes. The only difference is that your custom attributes belong to a different namespace. Instead of belonging to the http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android namespace, they belong to:

A.http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/[your package name]

B. http://schemas.android.com/apk/[your package name]

C. http://schemas.android.com/[your package name]

Correct Answer: A

Q4. In application theme style, flag windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds () indicates:

A.whether this window should have an Action Bar in place of the usual title bar.

B. whether there should be no title on this window.

C. that this window should not be displayed at all.

D. whether this is a floating window.

E. whether this Window is responsible for drawing the background for the system bars.

Correct Answer: E

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