Exam Name: Associate Android Developer
Exam Code: Associate-Android-Developer
Related Certification(s): Google Developers Certification
Certification Provider: Google
Number of Associate-Android-Developer practice questions in our database: 128 (updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected Associate-Android-Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Google :
- Module 1: Understand the basic debugging techniques available in Android Studio/ Know how to build and run an Android app
- Module 2: Understand how to use a Repository to mediate data operations/ Be able to create persistent Preference data from user input
- Module 3: Display simple messages in a popup using a Toast or a Snackbar/ Be able to use the System Log to output debug information
- Module 4: Be able to bind local data to a RecyclerView list using the Paging library/ Understand the architecture of the Android system
- Module 5: Understand the Android activity lifecycle/ Understand how to create a custom View class and add it to a Layout
- Module 6: Understand how to use breakpoints in Android Studio/ Understand how to implement drawer navigation
- Module 7: Understand how to localize an app/ Understand how to display items in a Recycler View
- Module 8: Understand how to define data using Room entities/ Be able to schedule a background task using WorkManager
- Module 9: Be able to read and parse raw resources or asset files/ Be able to access Room database with data access object (DAO)
- Module 10: Know how to apply content descriptions to views for accessibility/ Be able to describe the basic building blocks of an Android app
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