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Cisco 820-605 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Customer Success Manager
Exam Code: 820-605 DTCSM

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Digital Transformation Specialist Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 820-605 practice questions in our database:

Expected 820-605 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identify critical success factors to connect to business outcomes/ Create mitigation plans that address risk factors
  • Module 2: Analyze the account baseline to identify gaps/ Define customer success (expected and unexpected value)
  • Module 3: Update customer success plan with expand opportunities/ Identify the product or solution purchased
  • Module 4: Create an adoption campaign to identify expand opportunities/ Compare customer success, customer support and sales
  • Module 5: Identify potential expansion opportunities across the customer life cycle from a customer success plan/ Identify key stakeholder roles
  • Module 6: Validate the desired business outcome based on information obtained from key stakeholders/ Explain the customer lifecycle journey
  • Module 7: Explain the elements of a renewal risk analysis/ Explain the key drivers creating the need for Customer Success
  • Module 8: Describe sources used to identify customer barriers/ Explain the value proposition for customer success
  • Module 9: Explain different IT purchasing and consumption models/ Analyze a customer health score/ Customer conversations and interactions
  • Module 10: Explain the purpose of essential customer management activities/ Explain the elements of customer on boarding
  • Module 11: Account data and scoreboard review/ Customer and industry observations/ Feature matrix utilization
  • Module 12: Capturing moments of success/ Deployment planning/ Service subscriptions/ Identify customer barriers


Exam Name: Cisco Customer Success Manager
Exam Code: 820-605 DTCSM

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Digital Transformation Specialist Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 820-605 practice questions in our database:

Expected 820-605 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identify critical success factors to connect to business outcomes/ Create mitigation plans that address risk factors
  • Module 2: Analyze the account baseline to identify gaps/ Define customer success (expected and unexpected value)
  • Module 3: Update customer success plan with expand opportunities/ Identify the product or solution purchased
  • Module 4: Create an adoption campaign to identify expand opportunities/ Compare customer success, customer support and sales
  • Module 5: Identify potential expansion opportunities across the customer life cycle from a customer success plan/ Identify key stakeholder roles
  • Module 6: Validate the desired business outcome based on information obtained from key stakeholders/ Explain the customer lifecycle journey
  • Module 7: Explain the elements of a renewal risk analysis/ Explain the key drivers creating the need for Customer Success
  • Module 8: Describe sources used to identify customer barriers/ Explain the value proposition for customer success
  • Module 9: Explain different IT purchasing and consumption models/ Analyze a customer health score/ Customer conversations and interactions
  • Module 10: Explain the purpose of essential customer management activities/ Explain the elements of customer on boarding
  • Module 11: Account data and scoreboard review/ Customer and industry observations/ Feature matrix utilization
  • Module 12: Capturing moments of success/ Deployment planning/ Service subscriptions/ Identify customer barriers


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Q1. What are two expected outcomes of the customer onboard stage? (Choose two.)

A.opportunities for advocacy shared

B. stakeholders identified

C. business outcomes with KPI metrics identified

D. training sessions for end users planned

E. network diagrams provided

Correct Answer: B, C

Q2. Who confirms the use cases targeted in a Customer Success Plan?

A.primary customer stakeholder

B. account team sales lead

C. customer enterprise architect

D. Customer Success Manager

Correct Answer: A

Q3. What are two expected outcomes of the customer onboard stage? (Choose two.)

A.opportunities for advocacy shared

B. stakeholders identified

C. business outcomes with KPI metrics identified

D. training sessions for end users planned

E. network diagrams provided

Correct Answer: B, C

Q4. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a bank and their vendor have a significant disagreement over the value of the work that was delivered the past two years under the existing managed-services contract. The contract renewal process was delayed for over three months, with considerable risk to both parties. Which best practice will help prevent this type of disagreement?

A.Adopt a lifecycle approach with a proactive review of service performance against KPIs.

B. Have the CSM define how value should be measured at the end of the contract period.

C. Engage a third-party mediator to develop contract goals and evaluate the objectives at regular intervals.

D. Have the CIO define a clear IT strategy and implement the suggestions immediately.

Correct Answer: A

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