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Cisco 700-905 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco HyperFlex for Systems Engineers
Exam Code: 700-905 CHXSE

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco HyperFlex Authorization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-905 practice questions in our database:

Expected 700-905 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identifying staffing requirements, making kickoff meeting presentations/ Sales team interactions during all product deployment phases
  • Module 2: Implement and operate functions/ Developments in the hyperconverged infrastructure market and Cisco HyperFlex solutions
  • Module 3: SE handles pre-sales and post-sales engineering related customer plan/ Technical project management
  • Module 4: HyperFlex products and services by attending training
  • Module 5: SE is responsible for defining and engineering related deliverables required to deploy the proposed customer solutions
  • Module 6: SE maintains professional and technical knowledge


Exam Name: Cisco HyperFlex for Systems Engineers
Exam Code: 700-905 CHXSE

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco HyperFlex Authorization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-905 practice questions in our database:

Expected 700-905 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identifying staffing requirements, making kickoff meeting presentations/ Sales team interactions during all product deployment phases
  • Module 2: Implement and operate functions/ Developments in the hyperconverged infrastructure market and Cisco HyperFlex solutions
  • Module 3: SE handles pre-sales and post-sales engineering related customer plan/ Technical project management
  • Module 4: HyperFlex products and services by attending training
  • Module 5: SE is responsible for defining and engineering related deliverables required to deploy the proposed customer solutions
  • Module 6: SE maintains professional and technical knowledge


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Q1. With which three components must every HyperFlex cluster be equipped with in regard to disks? (Choose three.)

A.NVMe drives

B. there are no specific requirements

C. same type of cache drives

D. same type and size of capacity of drives

E. same number of capacity drives

F. SAS drives

Correct Answer: C, D, E

Q2. Which two results are expected when you replace a node or expand a cluster? (Choose two.)

A.Distributed pooled data is migrated off nodes to master data store.

B. Affected node is marked as unhealthy and placed into standby mode

C. vSphere DRS migrates the virtual machines to the new node to balance the load

D. On node replace, the self-healing must finish for the cluster to be healthy

E. The cluster profile is updated and RAID takes care of rebalancing the load.

Correct Answer: C, D

Q3. With which three components must every HyperFlex cluster be equipped with in regard to disks? (Choose three.)

A.NVMe drives

B. there are no specific requirements

C. same type of cache drives

D. same type and size of capacity of drives

E. same number of capacity drives

F. SAS drives

Correct Answer: C, D, E

Q4. Which two results are expected when you replace a node or expand a cluster? (Choose two.)

A.Distributed pooled data is migrated off nodes to master data store.

B. Affected node is marked as unhealthy and placed into standby mode

C. vSphere DRS migrates the virtual machines to the new node to balance the load

D. On node replace, the self-healing must finish for the cluster to be healthy

E. The cluster profile is updated and RAID takes care of rebalancing the load.

Correct Answer: C, D

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