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Cisco 700-846 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco IoT Advantage for Account Managers
Exam Code: 700-846 IOTAAM
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-846 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-846 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe the programs and incentives of Cisco IoT/ Understand the Extended Enterprise sales play and opportunity
  • Module 2: Explain the concerns and challenges for roadways and intersections/ Explain positioning for Cisco IoT products
  • Module 3: Explain product positioning for roadway and intersection use cases/ Describe use cases for Extended Enterprise
  • Module 4: Explain the concerns and challenges of the manufacturing industry/ Explain the concerns and challenges of the utility industry
  • Module 5: Explain the concerns and challenges of the oil and gas industry/ Explain value proposition and use cases of Edge Intelligence
  • Module 6: Explain the features of Extended Enterprise solutions/ Cisco IoT Strategy and Products
  • Module 7: Explain product positioning for manufacturing use cases/ Describe the capabilities, value proposition, and design considerations for CUWRB
  • Module 8: Explain management tool positioning for use cases to meet customer requirements/ Describe the IoT use cases in manufacturing
  • Module 9: Describe the IoT use cases in roadways and intersections/ Describe how CUWRB addresses customer challenges with wireless connectivity in IoT deployments
  • Module 10: Describe the key features and benefits of Industrial Asset Vision/ Explain product positioning for utility use cases
  • Module 11: Explain the value proposition of Cisco’s industrial security portfolio/ Explain the concerns and challenges of the mining industry
  • Module 12: Explain the key benefits of deploying IoT Operations Dashboard/ Explain positioning of Cisco industrial security with stakeholders


Exam Name: Cisco IoT Advantage for Account Managers
Exam Code: 700-846 IOTAAM
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-846 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-846 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe the programs and incentives of Cisco IoT/ Understand the Extended Enterprise sales play and opportunity
  • Module 2: Explain the concerns and challenges for roadways and intersections/ Explain positioning for Cisco IoT products
  • Module 3: Explain product positioning for roadway and intersection use cases/ Describe use cases for Extended Enterprise
  • Module 4: Explain the concerns and challenges of the manufacturing industry/ Explain the concerns and challenges of the utility industry
  • Module 5: Explain the concerns and challenges of the oil and gas industry/ Explain value proposition and use cases of Edge Intelligence
  • Module 6: Explain the features of Extended Enterprise solutions/ Cisco IoT Strategy and Products
  • Module 7: Explain product positioning for manufacturing use cases/ Describe the capabilities, value proposition, and design considerations for CUWRB
  • Module 8: Explain management tool positioning for use cases to meet customer requirements/ Describe the IoT use cases in manufacturing
  • Module 9: Describe the IoT use cases in roadways and intersections/ Describe how CUWRB addresses customer challenges with wireless connectivity in IoT deployments
  • Module 10: Describe the key features and benefits of Industrial Asset Vision/ Explain product positioning for utility use cases
  • Module 11: Explain the value proposition of Cisco’s industrial security portfolio/ Explain the concerns and challenges of the mining industry
  • Module 12: Explain the key benefits of deploying IoT Operations Dashboard/ Explain positioning of Cisco industrial security with stakeholders


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Q1. Which Cisco full-stack solution is used for asset visibility within mining operations?


B. Kinetic

C. Industrial Asset Vision


Correct Answer: C

Q2. What are the steps to engage customers to develop loT opportunities?

A.design in with OT vendors build full-stack solutions, extend the enterprise

B. standardize industrial and enterprise networks simplify sales plays, accelerate integrations

C. create a foundation with IBN extend relevance with cybersecurity, engage with edge data

D. leverage CVDs, connect all assets on the network, use data to drive business outcomes

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What is a key digitization outcome in manufacturing?

A.faster product lifecycle

B. better products

C. regulatory compliance

D. better connected communities

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which Oil and Gas segment focuses on the improvement of the digital retail customer experience?


B. Substream

C. Subprime

D. Re-Stream

Correct Answer: A

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