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Cisco 700-821 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco IoT Essentials for System Engineers
Exam Code: 700-821 IOTSE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 700-821 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-821 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Explain the power supply options for Industrial Switch/ Describe the Industrial Switches Portfolio
  • Module 2: Describe the capabilities of Industrial Switches/ Describe Cisco Ultra-Reliable Wireless Backhaul Solution
  • Module 3: Explain the SDWAN support on IR routers/ Describe the functionality and architecture of the IoT Operations Dashboard
  • Module 4: Describe the Industrial Routing and gateway portfolio/ Explain the functionality of Industrial Routers and Gateways
  • Module 5: Explain the management options for Industrial Switch/ Cisco Industrial Ethernet Switching
  • Module 6: Describe the architecture of Secure Equipment Access/ Explain Edge Device Manager and how to deploy and manage routers and gateways with EDM


Exam Name: Cisco IoT Essentials for System Engineers
Exam Code: 700-821 IOTSE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 700-821 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-821 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Explain the power supply options for Industrial Switch/ Describe the Industrial Switches Portfolio
  • Module 2: Describe the capabilities of Industrial Switches/ Describe Cisco Ultra-Reliable Wireless Backhaul Solution
  • Module 3: Explain the SDWAN support on IR routers/ Describe the functionality and architecture of the IoT Operations Dashboard
  • Module 4: Describe the Industrial Routing and gateway portfolio/ Explain the functionality of Industrial Routers and Gateways
  • Module 5: Explain the management options for Industrial Switch/ Cisco Industrial Ethernet Switching
  • Module 6: Describe the architecture of Secure Equipment Access/ Explain Edge Device Manager and how to deploy and manage routers and gateways with EDM


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Q1. Which two IoT routers or gateways are used when a customer requests two active LTE connections? (Choose two.)

A.IG21 gateway

B. IR1101 without expansion module

C. IR1101 with expansion module and cellular modules

D. IR1831 with dual cellular modules

E. IR1821 with dual cellular modules

Correct Answer: C, D

Q2. Which tool is ideal for a customer that must use a centralized management tool to configure multiple IW9167Es and deploy them in CURWB mode?

A.Cisco IOT Operations Dashboard

B. Cisco vManage

C. Cisco DNA Center

D. Cisco Prime Infrastructure

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which two IoT routers or gateways are used when a customer requests two active LTE connections? (Choose two.)

A.IG21 gateway

B. IR1101 without expansion module

C. IR1101 with expansion module and cellular modules

D. IR1831 with dual cellular modules

E. IR1821 with dual cellular modules

Correct Answer: C, D

Q4. Which tool is ideal for a customer that must use a centralized management tool to configure multiple IW9167Es and deploy them in CURWB mode?

A.Cisco IOT Operations Dashboard

B. Cisco vManage

C. Cisco DNA Center

D. Cisco Prime Infrastructure

Correct Answer: C

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