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Cisco 700-805 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Renewals Manager
Exam Code: 700-805 CRM

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Digital Transformation Specialist Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-805 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 700-805 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe the measurements of success for the RM role/ Describe contract elements that drive value for customers
  • Module 2: Identify the RM responsibilities within the Success Plan/ Describe the key recurring revenue financial terms
  • Module 3: Explain the deal management (example: CCW) process/ Describe the components of a Success Plan
  • Module 4: Explain the CX Portfolio (including newly introduced offers)/ Explain the value of the products, solutions and services to meet business objectives
  • Module 5: Identify steps to process exceptions or non-standard elements of a renewal quote/ Assess the financial and service impacts of on-time and delayed renews
  • Module 6: Perform an end-to-end renewals motion with the customer, in a partnership with the account team/ Explain how the customer perceives value of their IT solutions/ Utilize the output from tools (such as TPV and icebreaker) to communicate customer products, solutions, and services
  • Module 7: Determine the impact of renewals related to Cisco and other products on the company’s metrics/ Interpret the implications of key financial terms (such as CAPEX, OPEX) on customer procurement options and buying motions
  • Module 8: Identify the steps for developing a renewal quote/ Identify the steps for processing an order
  • Module 9: Identify recommended actions for contract success/ Describe the customer’s procurement process/ Explain Smart Accounts and Smart Licensing


Exam Name: Cisco Renewals Manager
Exam Code: 700-805 CRM

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Digital Transformation Specialist Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-805 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 700-805 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe the measurements of success for the RM role/ Describe contract elements that drive value for customers
  • Module 2: Identify the RM responsibilities within the Success Plan/ Describe the key recurring revenue financial terms
  • Module 3: Explain the deal management (example: CCW) process/ Describe the components of a Success Plan
  • Module 4: Explain the CX Portfolio (including newly introduced offers)/ Explain the value of the products, solutions and services to meet business objectives
  • Module 5: Identify steps to process exceptions or non-standard elements of a renewal quote/ Assess the financial and service impacts of on-time and delayed renews
  • Module 6: Perform an end-to-end renewals motion with the customer, in a partnership with the account team/ Explain how the customer perceives value of their IT solutions/ Utilize the output from tools (such as TPV and icebreaker) to communicate customer products, solutions, and services
  • Module 7: Determine the impact of renewals related to Cisco and other products on the company’s metrics/ Interpret the implications of key financial terms (such as CAPEX, OPEX) on customer procurement options and buying motions
  • Module 8: Identify the steps for developing a renewal quote/ Identify the steps for processing an order
  • Module 9: Identify recommended actions for contract success/ Describe the customer’s procurement process/ Explain Smart Accounts and Smart Licensing


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Q1. Which statement best describes an Ask the Expert session?

A.A pre-recorded webinar from an expert

B. A hosted educational webinar with live expert Q and A

C. A 24-7 phone line providing expert advice

D. A one on one coaching engagement covering specific use cases

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which detail is provided in the scorecard by using the Total Program View tool?

A.renewal rate

B. new products

C. EOL products

D. program rate

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which is the first step in a solutions-led sales approach?

A.present quote to customer

B. examine previous purchases

C. identify the latest technology release

D. understand the customer's objectives

Correct Answer: D

Q4. Which services are contained in the CX portfolio?

A.Support Services, Business Critical Services, Professional Services and Managed Services

B. Support Services, Business Critical Services and Professional Services

C. Support Services and Business Critical Services

D. Support Services, Business Critical Services, Professional Services, Managed Services, and Learning Services

Correct Answer: D

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