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Cisco 700-765 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Security Architecture for System Engineers
Exam Code: 700-765 ASAESE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Security Architecture Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-765 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-765 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identify security opportunities and obstacles/ Threat Landscape and Security Issues
  • Module 2: Identify components of Cisco’s IoT security/ Identify the role of digitization in cyber security
  • Module 3: Identify how Cisco IoT Security solutions provide layered protection/ Identify Cisco Zero Trust outcomes
  • Module 4: Identify the value of and drivers for trust-centric security/ Identify the evolution of and need for IoT security
  • Module 5: Identify the requirements of modern network environments/ Identify IoT solutions critical to business
  • Module 6: Identify Cisco solutions for next generation network security/ Identify causes of fragmented security
  • Module 7: Identify the areas of next generation network security/ Identify key cyber security challenges
  • Module 8: Identify the elements of Cloud-Delivered Security/ Cisco Security Solutions Portfolio
  • Module 9: Identify solutions for Web and Email Security/ Identify the value of zero trust
  • Module 10: Identify features of Cisco Firepower Threat Defense/ Identify the elements of DNS-Layer Security
  • Module 11: Identify solutions for Visibility and Enforcement/ Identify features and management of Meraki MX
  • Module 12: Identify the elements of Advanced Malware Protection/ Identify solutions for Cloud Security
  • Module 13: Identify the elements of Cognitive Intelligence/ Identify the elements of AnyConnect


Exam Name: Cisco Security Architecture for System Engineers
Exam Code: 700-765 ASAESE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Security Architecture Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 700-765 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-765 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identify security opportunities and obstacles/ Threat Landscape and Security Issues
  • Module 2: Identify components of Cisco’s IoT security/ Identify the role of digitization in cyber security
  • Module 3: Identify how Cisco IoT Security solutions provide layered protection/ Identify Cisco Zero Trust outcomes
  • Module 4: Identify the value of and drivers for trust-centric security/ Identify the evolution of and need for IoT security
  • Module 5: Identify the requirements of modern network environments/ Identify IoT solutions critical to business
  • Module 6: Identify Cisco solutions for next generation network security/ Identify causes of fragmented security
  • Module 7: Identify the areas of next generation network security/ Identify key cyber security challenges
  • Module 8: Identify the elements of Cloud-Delivered Security/ Cisco Security Solutions Portfolio
  • Module 9: Identify solutions for Web and Email Security/ Identify the value of zero trust
  • Module 10: Identify features of Cisco Firepower Threat Defense/ Identify the elements of DNS-Layer Security
  • Module 11: Identify solutions for Visibility and Enforcement/ Identify features and management of Meraki MX
  • Module 12: Identify the elements of Advanced Malware Protection/ Identify solutions for Cloud Security
  • Module 13: Identify the elements of Cognitive Intelligence/ Identify the elements of AnyConnect


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Q1. Which two security areas are part of Cisco's endpoint solutions? (Choose two)

A.Identity & Access Control

B. URL Filtering

C. Remote VPN

D. Cloud App Security

E. Malware Protection

Correct Answer: A, E

Q2. Which feature of ISE enables ecosystem partner platforms to execute network actions with the Cisco network infrastructure?

A.context-aware access

B. centralized policy management

C. device profiling

D. platform exchange grid

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which two attack vectors are protected by Visibility and Enforcement? (Choose Two)


B. Email

C. Web

D. Endpoints

E. Cloud

Correct Answer: A, D

Q4. What is one of the key features of Cognitive Intelligence?

A.It enables greater threat intelligence with entity modeling

B. It enhances anonymity with URL filtering

C. It enables safe email usage with event analytics

D. Allows visibility into anonymous and encrypted communications

Correct Answer: D

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