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Cisco 700-695 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Collaboration SaaS Authorization for PreSales Engineer
Exam Code: 700-695 CSaaSSE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 700-695 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 700-695 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Webex Market Overview: This section assesses the proficiency of sales and marketing professionals by examining the market opportunities available for Cisco Webex. It involves understanding the potential of the market, competitive advantages, and the strategic placement of Webex products.
  • Module 2: Webex Meetings, Webex Teams, Webex Devices, and Webex Edge: In this section, sales engineers and technical account managers are expected to showcase their knowledge of Webex Meetings, including both sales and technical aspects. It also addresses Webex Teams, focusing on its essential features and its application for team collaboration within organizations.
  • Module 3: Webex Calling: This comprehensive section is directed at network engineers and telecommunications specialists. It covers the architecture of Webex Calling and its integration with PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) options.
  • Module 4: Webex Control Hub, Webex Security, Compliance, and Webex for Developers: Targeted at partner managers, security experts, and developers, this section explores the functionalities of Webex Control Hub for service management and key security features that protect Webex Cloud services.
  • Module 5: Collaboration Flex Plan: This section evaluates the understanding of the Collaboration Flex Plan, focusing on its features, scenarios for customer positioning, and the resources and tools available to partners.
  • Module 6: Ordering, Smartaccounts, and Webex Try and Buy: This part of the exam targets procurement managers and partners. It involves explaining the subscription billing platform within Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW), the benefits of SmartAccounts for customers and partners, and the Webex Try and Buy Program.


Exam Name: Cisco Collaboration SaaS Authorization for PreSales Engineer
Exam Code: 700-695 CSaaSSE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 700-695 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 700-695 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Webex Market Overview: This section assesses the proficiency of sales and marketing professionals by examining the market opportunities available for Cisco Webex. It involves understanding the potential of the market, competitive advantages, and the strategic placement of Webex products.
  • Module 2: Webex Meetings, Webex Teams, Webex Devices, and Webex Edge: In this section, sales engineers and technical account managers are expected to showcase their knowledge of Webex Meetings, including both sales and technical aspects. It also addresses Webex Teams, focusing on its essential features and its application for team collaboration within organizations.
  • Module 3: Webex Calling: This comprehensive section is directed at network engineers and telecommunications specialists. It covers the architecture of Webex Calling and its integration with PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) options.
  • Module 4: Webex Control Hub, Webex Security, Compliance, and Webex for Developers: Targeted at partner managers, security experts, and developers, this section explores the functionalities of Webex Control Hub for service management and key security features that protect Webex Cloud services.
  • Module 5: Collaboration Flex Plan: This section evaluates the understanding of the Collaboration Flex Plan, focusing on its features, scenarios for customer positioning, and the resources and tools available to partners.
  • Module 6: Ordering, Smartaccounts, and Webex Try and Buy: This part of the exam targets procurement managers and partners. It involves explaining the subscription billing platform within Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW), the benefits of SmartAccounts for customers and partners, and the Webex Try and Buy Program.


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Q1. Which Webex Calling feature should be configured if a customer wants a phone shared by users within the organization?

A.Hoteling Guest

B. Hoteling Host

C. Mobility Access

D. Remote Office

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which announcements are available in a Webex Calling call queue?

A.welcome, hold, queued, overflow

B. greetings, wait, comfort, pause, overflow

C. welcome, wait, comfort, hold, overflow

D. greetings, pause, wait, overflow

Correct Answer: A

Q3. What is a feature of the Collaboration Flex Plan Value Transfer program?

A.allows trade-in of eligible perpetual licenses in exchange for a purchase credit on Flex Plan

B. allows trade-in of IP phones in exchange for a purchase credit on Flex Plan

C. provides discounting options for Flex Plan during trade-in

D. provides training credits to the partner during trade-in

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which TLS versions are supported by Webex Teams applications?

A.TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 only

B. TLS version 1.1 only

C. TLS versions 1.1 and 1.2 only

D. TLS version 1.2 only

Correct Answer: D

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