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Cisco 700-245 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Environmental Sustainability Practice-Building
Exam Code: 700-245 ESPB
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Environmental Sustainability Specialization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of 700-245 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 700-245 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Building a Sustainability Practice: In the Building a Sustainability Practice section, sustainability consultants and Cisco partners will concentrate on defining environmental sustainability and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the practices linked to it. This portion of the exam also addresses the significance of sustainability practices for partners and explores the role of the circular economy within the partner ecosystem.
  • Module 2: The Current and Future Sustainable Business Practices: The Current and Future Sustainable Business Practices section is essential for environmental sustainability professionals and Cisco partners. It focuses on evaluating the current state of sustainable practices and explores how these practices can be seamlessly integrated into partner portfolios.
  • Module 3: Talking to Customers About Sustainability: In the Talking to Customers About Sustainability section, sustainability consultants and sales professionals will enhance their ability to communicate effectively with customers regarding their sustainability goals.
  • Module 4: Cisco Products and Solutions For Sustainability Goals: This topic highlights why customers opt to establish sustainability goals and initiatives. Moreover, the topic examines specific case studies that cover how partners are helping customers reach sustainability goals.


Exam Name: Environmental Sustainability Practice-Building
Exam Code: 700-245 ESPB
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Environmental Sustainability Specialization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of 700-245 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 700-245 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Building a Sustainability Practice: In the Building a Sustainability Practice section, sustainability consultants and Cisco partners will concentrate on defining environmental sustainability and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the practices linked to it. This portion of the exam also addresses the significance of sustainability practices for partners and explores the role of the circular economy within the partner ecosystem.
  • Module 2: The Current and Future Sustainable Business Practices: The Current and Future Sustainable Business Practices section is essential for environmental sustainability professionals and Cisco partners. It focuses on evaluating the current state of sustainable practices and explores how these practices can be seamlessly integrated into partner portfolios.
  • Module 3: Talking to Customers About Sustainability: In the Talking to Customers About Sustainability section, sustainability consultants and sales professionals will enhance their ability to communicate effectively with customers regarding their sustainability goals.
  • Module 4: Cisco Products and Solutions For Sustainability Goals: This topic highlights why customers opt to establish sustainability goals and initiatives. Moreover, the topic examines specific case studies that cover how partners are helping customers reach sustainability goals.


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Q1. What is a principle of circular economy?

A.use more natural resources

B. encourage customers to consume less

C. discard products and materials after one year

D. use the latest version of technology

Correct Answer: B

Q2. What are two ways partners and customers can reduce their environmental footprint? (Choose two.)

A.use plastic water bottles and plastic bags more often

B. store old equipment and take it to the landfill once a reasonable amount has been collected

C. set sustainability goals and post them on the organization's website

D. consider an internal training on a linear economy

E. move to a hybrid work environment using Cisco Webex

Correct Answer: C, E

Q3. What is a principle of circular economy?

A.use more natural resources

B. encourage customers to consume less

C. discard products and materials after one year

D. use the latest version of technology

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What are two ways partners and customers can reduce their environmental footprint? (Choose two.)

A.use plastic water bottles and plastic bags more often

B. store old equipment and take it to the landfill once a reasonable amount has been collected

C. set sustainability goals and post them on the organization's website

D. consider an internal training on a linear economy

E. move to a hybrid work environment using Cisco Webex

Correct Answer: C, E

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