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Cisco 700-105 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions for Account Managers
Exam Code: 700-105 MCAM
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Express Collaboration Specialization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of 700-105 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-105 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identify the current market trends and how the market for collaboration technologies has evolved: This topic measures the ability of account managers to grasp how external and internal challenges drive business needs, recognize customer pain points, and identify how Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions address these issues. The topic tests the insight into market demands and capability to align Cisco offerings with evolving customer requirements.
  • Module 2: Validate Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions, Components, and Differentiators: For the 700-105 exam, account managers need knowledge about validating Cisco Business Edition 6000 integration within the Cisco Collaboration Architecture, understand various licensing options, and analyze the competitive landscape. This section assesses the skills in identifying key differentiators and how Cisco solutions meet business needs, crucial for effectively positioning Cisco offerings to clients.
  • Module 3: Describe Cisco offerings that drive more value and better collaboration options for customers: The exam will test the ability of aspiring Cisco account managers to evaluate the integration of Cisco Business Edition 6000 with Cisco WebEx and the relevance of Cisco Spark. This topic measures the understanding of how Cisco offerings enhance collaboration capabilities and how they can be leveraged to deliver greater value to customers.
  • Module 4: Describe some deployment scenarios, customer use cases, and identify sales support tools and resources: This 700-105 exam topic covers deployment scenarios, use cases, and available sales support tools for Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions. To pass the exam, account managers will need to review different deployment strategies, customer use cases, and resources that assist in selling Cisco solutions.


Exam Name: Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions for Account Managers
Exam Code: 700-105 MCAM
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Express Collaboration Specialization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of 700-105 practice questions in our database:
Expected 700-105 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Identify the current market trends and how the market for collaboration technologies has evolved: This topic measures the ability of account managers to grasp how external and internal challenges drive business needs, recognize customer pain points, and identify how Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions address these issues. The topic tests the insight into market demands and capability to align Cisco offerings with evolving customer requirements.
  • Module 2: Validate Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions, Components, and Differentiators: For the 700-105 exam, account managers need knowledge about validating Cisco Business Edition 6000 integration within the Cisco Collaboration Architecture, understand various licensing options, and analyze the competitive landscape. This section assesses the skills in identifying key differentiators and how Cisco solutions meet business needs, crucial for effectively positioning Cisco offerings to clients.
  • Module 3: Describe Cisco offerings that drive more value and better collaboration options for customers: The exam will test the ability of aspiring Cisco account managers to evaluate the integration of Cisco Business Edition 6000 with Cisco WebEx and the relevance of Cisco Spark. This topic measures the understanding of how Cisco offerings enhance collaboration capabilities and how they can be leveraged to deliver greater value to customers.
  • Module 4: Describe some deployment scenarios, customer use cases, and identify sales support tools and resources: This 700-105 exam topic covers deployment scenarios, use cases, and available sales support tools for Cisco Midsize Collaboration Solutions. To pass the exam, account managers will need to review different deployment strategies, customer use cases, and resources that assist in selling Cisco solutions.


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Q1. Which client that is packaged with the Cisco Business Edition 6000 lets you access presence, IM: voice, video, voice messaging, desktop sharing, and conferencing services from any device?

A.Cisco WebEx Messenger client

B. Cisco AnyConnect client

C. Cisco Jabber client

D. Cisco Unified Personal Communicator client

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which description of the Cisco Collaboration architecture is true'?

A.a flexible network framework designed to enable integration with the collaboration requirements of the customer

B. a flexible collaboration framework designed to support any customer and any user collaboration needs

C. a collaboration framework designed to support the collaboration needs of a typical large enterprise

D. a collaboration framework designed to integrate the existing customer collaboration functionalities with Cisco network infrastructure

Correct Answer: A

Q3. In which two ways does Cisco Business Edition 6000 deployment mitigate and reduce business risk? (Choose two.)

A.Cisco proprietary communications protocols mitigate the risk of interoperability with other collaboration devices from other vendors.

B. Cisco Collaboration architecture supports all major operating systems and devices, which minimizes the risk of a device not being supported

C. Cisco Jabber uses a consistent user interface on all devices. Change of devices does not impact user acceptance.

D. End-to-end, the Cisco Collaboration solution eliminates the risk that the applications and devices of other vendors will not be supported.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q4. Which two business impacts do Cisco collaborative technologies bring to employee innovation? (Choose two.)

A.eliminating complexity and controlling costs

B. increasing time to market

C. enabling disparate teams to work together to solve problems

D. eliminating sales cycle time

E. enhancing communications with strategic partners and suppliers

Correct Answer: A, E

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