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Cisco 640-692 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: CCT Routing and Switching
Exam Code: 640-692
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Technician CCT Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Technician Routing & Switching CCT Routing & Switching Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 640-692 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 640-692 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe the hardware memory common terms and use in Cisco routers and switches Describe the different operating modes for Cisco CatOS/IOS Software Describe in general terms the basic functionality and key differences for the following hardware: LA


Exam Name: CCT Routing and Switching
Exam Code: 640-692
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Technician CCT Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Technician Routing & Switching CCT Routing & Switching Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 640-692 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 640-692 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe the hardware memory common terms and use in Cisco routers and switches Describe the different operating modes for Cisco CatOS/IOS Software Describe in general terms the basic functionality and key differences for the following hardware: LA


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Q1. Which Ethernet interface command is present when you boot a new Cisco router for the first time?

A.speed 100

B. shutdown

C. ip address

D. duplex half

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Which statement describes the effect of the copy run start command on a router in enable mode?

A.The running configuration of the router is saved to NVRAM and used during the boot process.

B. The router reboots and loads the last saved running configuration.

C. A copy of the running configuration of the router is sent by FTP to a designated server.

D. A new running configuration is loaded from flash memory to the router.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which sequence begins a unique local IP address in binary notation?


B. 1111111

C. 00000000

D. 1111100

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which statement about unique local IP addresses is true?

A.Summarization is not supported.

B. They require all prefixes to be unique.

C. Their global IDs are assigned sequentially.

D. They are routable to the public Internet.

Correct Answer: B

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