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Cisco 600-660 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Exam
Exam Code: 600-660 DCACIA
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Specialist Certifications
  • Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Advanced Implementation ACI Advanced Implementation Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 600-660 practice questions in our database:
Expected 600-660 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Implement Layer 3 Out VRF Route Leaking/ Implement Server NIC Teaming With ACI
  • Module 2: Describe Packet Forwarding Between Leafs (Vxlan)/ Implement Layer 4 Through Layer 7 PBR (Including Use Cases)
  • Module 3: Implement Endpoint Learning Optimizations/ IP Dataplane Leaning Option In VRF, Loop Detection, And Rogue EP
  • Module 4: Implement Contracts (Pctag, Global Pctab, Contract Priorities, Taboo, And Deny Filter)/ Advanced ACI Policies And Integrations
  • Module 5: Describe Firewall And Load Balancer Design With Multipod/ Implement VRF Route Leaking
  • Module 6: Implement Layer 3 Out Transit Routing/ Implement Service Graph With Multipod
  • Module 7: Describe Communication Across Sites/ Implement Multi-Site Orchestrator
  • Module 8: Describe Stretched Component Options/ Describe STP BPDU Handling In ACI (FD-VNID And VLAN Pool Consideration)
  • Module 9: Describe Migration Considerations/ Describe Network-Centric And Application-Centric Designs


Exam Name: Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Exam
Exam Code: 600-660 DCACIA
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Specialist Certifications
  • Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Advanced Implementation ACI Advanced Implementation Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 600-660 practice questions in our database:
Expected 600-660 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Implement Layer 3 Out VRF Route Leaking/ Implement Server NIC Teaming With ACI
  • Module 2: Describe Packet Forwarding Between Leafs (Vxlan)/ Implement Layer 4 Through Layer 7 PBR (Including Use Cases)
  • Module 3: Implement Endpoint Learning Optimizations/ IP Dataplane Leaning Option In VRF, Loop Detection, And Rogue EP
  • Module 4: Implement Contracts (Pctag, Global Pctab, Contract Priorities, Taboo, And Deny Filter)/ Advanced ACI Policies And Integrations
  • Module 5: Describe Firewall And Load Balancer Design With Multipod/ Implement VRF Route Leaking
  • Module 6: Implement Layer 3 Out Transit Routing/ Implement Service Graph With Multipod
  • Module 7: Describe Communication Across Sites/ Implement Multi-Site Orchestrator
  • Module 8: Describe Stretched Component Options/ Describe STP BPDU Handling In ACI (FD-VNID And VLAN Pool Consideration)
  • Module 9: Describe Migration Considerations/ Describe Network-Centric And Application-Centric Designs


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Q1. What are two characteristics of Cisco ACI interaction with MSTP? (Choose two.)

A.A Cisco ACI leaf flushes all local endpoints in the received EPG when an MSTP TCN frame is received.

B. A static path binding is required for native VLAN to carry the MST BPDUs in existing EPGs.

C. Mis-cabling protocol is used to snoop the MSTP TCN packets.

D. A dedicated EPG must be created for the native VLAN ID with static bindings toward the MSTP-enabled switches.

E. The PVST simulation must be configured on external network switches to support MSTP.

Correct Answer: C, D

Q2. Cisco ACI fabric is migrated from network-centric mode to application-centric mode. What is possible in an application-centric design?

A.remapping of VLAN pools

B. migration of bare metal servers to virtual machines

C. creation of additional EPGs under one bridge domain

D. Cisco ACI VMM integration with hypervisors

Correct Answer: C

Q3. What is a design implication for Cisco ACI using an application-centric approach?

A.Multiple VLANs and/or multiple EPGs are under one bridge domain

B. VLAN numbers are in the names of the bridge domain and EPG objects

C. One EPG is mapped to multiple bridge domains

D. One VLAN equals one EPG equals one bridge domain

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What are two characteristics of network-centric design in Cisco ACI? (Choose two.)

A.There is open communication between EPGs

B. EPGs are used for microsegmentation

C. EPGs are different security zones

D. Applications define the network requirements

E. A bridge domain has one subnet and one EPG

Correct Answer: B, E

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