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Cisco 500-801 Exam Dump

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Exam Name: IoT Mfg Connected Factory for SEs
Exam Code: 500-801 IOT
Related Certification(s): Cisco Advanced Internet of Things Specialization Manufacturing Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of 500-801 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 500-801 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Define the Cisco Connected Factory Helps Customers Overcome Challenges Describe how compliance and regulation mesh with the Connected Factory Describe the value of Cisco ecosystem partners


Exam Name: IoT Mfg Connected Factory for SEs
Exam Code: 500-801 IOT
Related Certification(s): Cisco Advanced Internet of Things Specialization Manufacturing Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of 500-801 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 500-801 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Define the Cisco Connected Factory Helps Customers Overcome Challenges Describe how compliance and regulation mesh with the Connected Factory Describe the value of Cisco ecosystem partners


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Q1. Which two options are drawbacks to wireless media compared to wired methods? (Choose two.)

A.higher security

B. latency and jitter

C. packet loss

D. faster data transmission

E. lower costs

Correct Answer: B, C

Q2. When you consider wireless media for an IACS application, which percentage of traffic should be reserved for HMI and maintenance traffic, such as RSLinx, programming tools, and IT management?


B. 60%

C. 20%

D. 85%

Correct Answer: C

Q3. With which options can you use a single SSID/VLAN configuration for a WLAN?

A.continuously changing wireless clients

B. multiple wired automation devices

C. a fixed set of wireless clients using the 5 GHz radio

D. a fixed set of wired automation devices

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which two types of traffic are appropriate to use with wireless media? (Choose two.)

A.access control

B. motion control

C. safety control

D. virtual control

E. peer-to-peer messaging

Correct Answer: C, E

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