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Cisco 500-710 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Video Infrastructure Implementation
Exam Code: 500-710 VII
Related Certification(s): Cisco Advanced Video Specialization Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of 500-710 practice questions in our database: 94

Expected 500-710 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Advanced Cisco Expressway Features: This section covers essential Cisco Video Network Solutions, including the advanced features of Cisco Expressway. Cisco field engineers will be tested on their understanding of basic setup, regular expressions, security components, subzones, call control, bandwidth management, zones, clustering, and troubleshooting.
  • Module 2: Advanced Cisco Meeting Server Features: The 500-710 exam focuses on the Cisco Meeting Server and its resilient and scalable deployments. It also covers the configuration of the Cisco Meeting Server API and explores additional features. Field engineers should be prepared to demonstrate their skills in utilizing the Cisco Meeting Server to facilitate effective collaboration and communication in various scenarios.
  • Module 3: Cisco Collaboration Meeting Room Solutions with Cisco TelePresence Server: Cisco CMR Premises and Hybrid Products, along with Cisco TelePresence Server and Conductor deployments, are the key areas of focus. The exam targets the ability of Cisco field managers to troubleshoot CMR premises solutions.
  • Module 4: Cisco TelePresence Management Suite Solution: Cisco TMS Installation, operation, conference scheduling, management, and administration permissions are covered here. Aspiring Cisco field engineers should be proficient in installing, configuring, and maintaining Cisco TMS to efficiently manage Cisco TelePresence systems.
  • Module 5: Cisco Cloud Solutions: Cisco WebEx and Spark Cloud Solutions, along with Spark administration and configuration, are the main topics. The Cisco Video Infrastructure Implementation exam also includes LDAP and Exchange integration with Cisco Spark and the configuration of Spark APIs and BOTs.


Exam Name: Cisco Video Infrastructure Implementation
Exam Code: 500-710 VII
Related Certification(s): Cisco Advanced Video Specialization Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of 500-710 practice questions in our database: 94

Expected 500-710 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Advanced Cisco Expressway Features: This section covers essential Cisco Video Network Solutions, including the advanced features of Cisco Expressway. Cisco field engineers will be tested on their understanding of basic setup, regular expressions, security components, subzones, call control, bandwidth management, zones, clustering, and troubleshooting.
  • Module 2: Advanced Cisco Meeting Server Features: The 500-710 exam focuses on the Cisco Meeting Server and its resilient and scalable deployments. It also covers the configuration of the Cisco Meeting Server API and explores additional features. Field engineers should be prepared to demonstrate their skills in utilizing the Cisco Meeting Server to facilitate effective collaboration and communication in various scenarios.
  • Module 3: Cisco Collaboration Meeting Room Solutions with Cisco TelePresence Server: Cisco CMR Premises and Hybrid Products, along with Cisco TelePresence Server and Conductor deployments, are the key areas of focus. The exam targets the ability of Cisco field managers to troubleshoot CMR premises solutions.
  • Module 4: Cisco TelePresence Management Suite Solution: Cisco TMS Installation, operation, conference scheduling, management, and administration permissions are covered here. Aspiring Cisco field engineers should be proficient in installing, configuring, and maintaining Cisco TMS to efficiently manage Cisco TelePresence systems.
  • Module 5: Cisco Cloud Solutions: Cisco WebEx and Spark Cloud Solutions, along with Spark administration and configuration, are the main topics. The Cisco Video Infrastructure Implementation exam also includes LDAP and Exchange integration with Cisco Spark and the configuration of Spark APIs and BOTs.


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Q1. Which statement about setting up a call bridge cluster for a resilient and scalable Cisco Meeting Server deployment is true?

A.Call bridges can connect to databases in full mesh.

B. Call bridges only connect to the master database.

C. Only one call bridge should be configured per domain in a database cluster.

D. Call bridges can read/write to any database in a cluster at anytime.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which description of the role of the service preference in the Cisco Conductor is true?

A.It consists of a group of conference aliases and it determines, in order of priority, which alias to choose for a conference.

B. It consists of one or more bridge pools and it determines which of these pools, in order of priority, to use for a conference.

C. It determines the bandwidth that is supplied by the service provider.

D. It determines the conference template to be used for a particular conference based upon alias.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which statement about setting up a call bridge cluster for a resilient and scalable Cisco Meeting Server deployment is true?

A.Call bridges can connect to databases in full mesh.

B. Call bridges only connect to the master database.

C. Only one call bridge should be configured per domain in a database cluster.

D. Call bridges can read/write to any database in a cluster at anytime.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which two options are deployment models for Cisco Spark implementation? (Choose two.)

A.Spark Cloud

B. CMR Premises

C. Spark Hybrid

D. Spark Premises

E. CMR Cloud

F. CMR Hybrid

Correct Answer: A, C

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