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Cisco 500-601 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Application Centric Infrastructure Support Representative
Exam Code: 500-601 ACI
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 500-601 practice questions in our database:


Exam Name: Application Centric Infrastructure Support Representative
Exam Code: 500-601 ACI
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 500-601 practice questions in our database:


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Q1. Which two statements about when the ARP request/response is not set to flooding on an Cisco ACI Fabric are true? (Choose two.)

A.Static endpoint entries can be configured under the Tenant Networking section of the Cisco ACI Ul for silent hosts to communicate with each other.

B. When the ARP originator and ARP target are known to the proxy, forwarding can no longer occur using the proxy because the source and destination are now known

C. When an ARP target device responds, a response is sent to the proxy, which has an entry (or the ARP originator, so it is then forwarded to the leaf where ARP originator resides.

D. When ARP response is known by the proxy, the ARP is forwarded from the leaf that received the ARP to the spine, and onto the leaf where the ARP target resides.

E. The proxy age time has no limit If the target of the ARP has not sourced a frame for some lime, the entry remains indefinite because this i$ the only way forwarding can work between silent hosts.

Correct Answer: C, E

Q2. Which two statements are true regarding Tenant Bridge Domain ARP forwarding modes? (Choose two.)

A.ARP flooding occurs only within the encapsulation VLANs.

B. ACI Fabric can team up to a million end points if ARP flooding is not configured.

C. ARP handing is enabled by default which means unicast routing is used to forward the ARP packet.

D. ARP handling is disabled by default which means unicast routing is used to forward the ARP packet

E. ARP flooding must be configured if internal hosts are using an external IP gateway

Correct Answer: A, E

Q3. Which two methods in Cisco ACI are used for Layer 2 extension ol a bridge domain or EPG to external devices? (Choose two.)

A.Create an external bridged network to extend the entire bridge domain.

B. Create a routed outside network connection using the OSPF protocol to extend the EPG.

C. Create a routed outside network connection using the BGP to extend the entire bridge domain.

D. Create a connectivity profile to external devices that include the bridge domain or EPG information.

E. Create a static binding to a path (port + encap-ID) inside an EPG.

Correct Answer: C, D

Q4. Which messaging protocol is used by the vPC peers to communicate with each other?





Correct Answer: D

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