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Cisco 500-444 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Implementation and Troubleshooting
Exam Code: 500-444 CCEIT
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Advanced Unified Contact Center Enterprise Specialization Certifications
  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 500-444 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 500-444 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Explain Certificate Administration/ Describe planning a PCCE Deployment
  • Module 2: Explain CUIC/Live Data/Finesse Integration/ Understand Integration Wizard
  • Module 3: Understand deployment from configuration to validation/ PCCE implementation – Configuration
  • Module 4: Understand Applied CCE Troubleshooting/ Explain the Flows and Process review
  • Module 5: Explain PCCE Deployment and Staging/ PCCE Implementation Preparation
  • Module 6: Explain the personalization of the PCCE Dial Plan/ PCCE Implementation Initialization
  • Module 7: Describe the Diagnostic Framework/ Describe software preparation
  • Module 8: Describe a PCCE site addition/ Describe Single Sign-On/ Explain scripting, Troubleshooting


Exam Name: Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Implementation and Troubleshooting
Exam Code: 500-444 CCEIT
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Advanced Unified Contact Center Enterprise Specialization Certifications
  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 500-444 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 500-444 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Explain Certificate Administration/ Describe planning a PCCE Deployment
  • Module 2: Explain CUIC/Live Data/Finesse Integration/ Understand Integration Wizard
  • Module 3: Understand deployment from configuration to validation/ PCCE implementation – Configuration
  • Module 4: Understand Applied CCE Troubleshooting/ Explain the Flows and Process review
  • Module 5: Explain PCCE Deployment and Staging/ PCCE Implementation Preparation
  • Module 6: Explain the personalization of the PCCE Dial Plan/ PCCE Implementation Initialization
  • Module 7: Describe the Diagnostic Framework/ Describe software preparation
  • Module 8: Describe a PCCE site addition/ Describe Single Sign-On/ Explain scripting, Troubleshooting


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Q1. What are two roles of a Certificate Authority (CA) in a trusted third-party CA certificate? (Choose two.)

A.to provide validation of certificate requests

B. to issue a CA signed Identity certificates

C. to provide domain validation certificate

D. to import the root CA certificate to each component

E. to generate a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Correct Answer: A, B

Q2. What is an enterprise-focused Session Border Controller (SBC) providing voice and video connectivity from the enterprise IP network to service provider SIP trunks?





Correct Answer: B

Q3. What are two roles of a Certificate Authority (CA) in a trusted third-party CA certificate? (Choose two.)

A.to provide validation of certificate requests

B. to issue a CA signed Identity certificates

C. to provide domain validation certificate

D. to import the root CA certificate to each component

E. to generate a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Correct Answer: A, B

Q4. Which Cisco Unified Border Element configuration is used in Contact Center Enterprise with Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal and Cisco Unified Border Element deployment?

A.voice gateway must be dedicated for VXML browser sessions.

B. Cisco Unified Border Element must be configured as media pass flow-around mode.

C. Cisco Unified Border Element must be configured as media pass flow-through mode.

D. Box-to-box Cisco Unified Border Element must be used for redundancy.

Correct Answer: C

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