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Cisco 500-425 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco AppDynamics Associate Administrator
Exam Code: 500-425 CAAA
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco AppDynamics Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-425 practice questions in our database:
Expected 500-425 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Evaluate server performance metrics/ Monitor agent performance and connectivity
  • Module 2: Manage database credentials and security/ Filter Errors and Exceptions for troubleshooting
  • Module 3: Define, configure, and update Data Collectors/ Establish standards and policies
  • Module 4: Address Data Collector security risks/ Manage health rules, policies, and actions
  • Module 5: Respond to dashboard indications/ Define, configure, and test Database Collectors
  • Module 6: Utilize reports and dashboards/ Create backend system configurations
  • Module 7: Create and maintain Error and Exception configurations/ Analyze Business Transaction metrics
  • Module 8: Monitor and manage licenses/ Discern and apply performance metrics
  • Module 9: Monitor backend system behavior/ Identify KPIs and beneficial metrics
  • Module 10: Publish KPI data via dashboards/ Create and monitor health rules


Exam Name: Cisco AppDynamics Associate Administrator
Exam Code: 500-425 CAAA
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco AppDynamics Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-425 practice questions in our database:
Expected 500-425 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Evaluate server performance metrics/ Monitor agent performance and connectivity
  • Module 2: Manage database credentials and security/ Filter Errors and Exceptions for troubleshooting
  • Module 3: Define, configure, and update Data Collectors/ Establish standards and policies
  • Module 4: Address Data Collector security risks/ Manage health rules, policies, and actions
  • Module 5: Respond to dashboard indications/ Define, configure, and test Database Collectors
  • Module 6: Utilize reports and dashboards/ Create backend system configurations
  • Module 7: Create and maintain Error and Exception configurations/ Analyze Business Transaction metrics
  • Module 8: Monitor and manage licenses/ Discern and apply performance metrics
  • Module 9: Monitor backend system behavior/ Identify KPIs and beneficial metrics
  • Module 10: Publish KPI data via dashboards/ Create and monitor health rules


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Q1. The Default Flow map shows a tier with a full or partial red circle, which indicates one or more nodes have reported Health Rule violations. Which procedure should the engineer take?

A.Use the metric browser to identify the Health Rule being violated, then notify the application owners of the issue

B. This is a recurring issue: do nothing as the Health Rule violation will clear without intervention

C. Disable the Health Rule to prevent further reporting of the issue, then notify the data center team to reboot the server

D. Click on the Events tab for the application on the Default Row Map then analyze the health rule(s) being violated.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. You need to examine the Java App agent logs on a host, but you do not have login access to the relevant host. How do you accomplish this via the Controller User Interface (Ul)?

A.Controller Ul > Node Dashboard > Agents tab >App Server Agent tab > Agent Operations > Request Agent Logs

B. Controller Ul > application > Transaction Snapshots > Periodic Collection, then wait for the log to download

C. Controller Ul > Configuration > Instrumentation > Data Collectors > and then add a new collector for class *.*

D. Controller Ul > application > Alert Respond > Create Action then issue an HTTP request to request agent logs

Correct Answer: A

Q3. The Default Flow map shows a tier with a full or partial red circle, which indicates one or more nodes have reported Health Rule violations. Which procedure should the engineer take?

A.Use the metric browser to identify the Health Rule being violated, then notify the application owners of the issue

B. This is a recurring issue: do nothing as the Health Rule violation will clear without intervention

C. Disable the Health Rule to prevent further reporting of the issue, then notify the data center team to reboot the server

D. Click on the Events tab for the application on the Default Row Map then analyze the health rule(s) being violated.

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A customer complains that their dashboard is broken They tell you that every time they change the time range using the time picker, the data on several of their dashboard widgets do not change to match the new time range What is happening in this situation?

A.the dashboard is too large and needs to be smaller

B. the widgets are the wrong type for the dashboard

C. the widgets are set to use their own time range

D. the data in those widgets is old and needs to be updated

Correct Answer: C

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